英语听力汇总   |   中国气象局6月累计发布气象灾害预警信息4.3万余条







In June, meteorological administrations issued over 43,000 early warning messages. The number of messages for rainstorms and thunder each increased by about 43 percent compared with the average of the total issued for the same month in the past three years, according to the China Meteorological Administration.


The Ministry of Emergency Management said that, as of Friday, over 19.3 million people in 26 provincial regions had suffered from floods. A total of 121 people were missing or dead and the direct economic losses from the flood disasters reached over 41.6 billion yuan.



从气象上来说,24小时降水量(precipitation)为50毫米或以上的雨称为“暴雨”(rainstorm/ downpour/ torrential rain)。特大暴雨是一种灾害性天气(disastrous weather),往往造成“洪涝灾害”(flood),在山区还会引发“山体滑坡”(landslide)和“泥石流”(debris flow)。Landslide(山体滑坡)是暴雨使山体不堪重负,由山体薄弱地带断开整体下滑,而debris flow(泥石流)是暴雨使沙土石达到水饱和,在重力的作用下液化的泥沙石向低洼处流动。

中央气象台再发暴雨黄色预警(yellow alert for rainstorms)

From Monday to Tuesday morning, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in parts of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan,Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan and Heilongjiang, the National Meteorological Center said.


Some of these regions will see up to 80 mm of hourly precipitation, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds, the center said.



It said coordinated operation of reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Yangtze will be carried out to reduce the amount of water flowing into the Three Gorges Dam, which saw the arrival on Thursday of the first flood in the country's longest watercourse this year, and relieve flood control pressure in the middle and lower reaches of the river.


Among areas to be covered by the rain band, some places in Shanxi, Henan, Shandong and Heilongjiang provinces and the Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regions are forecast to see their precipitation increase by 30 to 50 percent compared with previous years.


The coming rain may result in major regional floods in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, southern parts of the Haihe River, the Songhuajiang and Liaohe rivers. The rain, together with melted snow, may also cause flooding in some areas in Xinjiang, the ministry said.



frequent showers 经常性的阵雨

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

torrential downpours/rains 暴雨/倾盆大雨

persistent rain 持续降雨

heavy rain 大雨

rainfall 降雨

downpour 暴雨

shower 阵雨

storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨

thundershower 雷阵雨

drizzle 毛毛雨

release flood waters 泄洪

flood-diversion zones 分洪区

check dam 淤地坝/拦沙坝

flood-prevention 防洪

spillway 泄洪道