英语听力汇总   |   首次面向普通高校毕业生直招士官 涉及外语等多个专业






China's military is recruiting university graduates for non-commissioned officer roles for the first time, according to the recruiting office of the Ministry of National Defense. Online applications will open at the agency's official website www.gfbzb.gov.cn on Friday for those who wish to be enlisted into the armed forces.

首次面向普通高校毕业生直招士官 涉及外语等多个专业

Chinese soldiers operate devices in class at the Academy of Armored Forces Engineering of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) in Beijing, China, July 22, 2014. [Photo/IC]

据了解,士官招收专业涉及计算机、道路运输(road transport)、自动化(automation)、通信(communications)、机电设备(electromechanical equipment)、机械设计制造(mechanical design and manufacturing)、医学技术(medical technology)、语言(language studies)等专业。招收对象为普通高校毕业生(college graduates),所学专业符合今年部队提报的岗位需求,优先招收高校应届毕业生(fresh college graduates)。


The non-commissioned officers will be recruited simultaneously with the recruitment of compulsory service personnel this year. This will be running from Aug 1 to Sept 30.



我军现役士兵按兵役性质分为义务兵役制士兵和志愿兵役制士兵。义务兵役制士兵称为义务兵(compulsory serviceman),志愿兵役制士兵称为士官(non-commissioned officer)。士官属于士兵军衔序列,但不同于义务兵役制士兵,是士兵中的骨干。义务兵实行供给制,发给津贴(allowance),士官实行工资制(pay plans)和定期增资制度(regular pay rise)。目前部队面向高校毕业生既招收士官,也招收义务兵,这是两个不同兵役性质的士兵系列。(来源:全国征兵网)


大学生义务兵 college students-turned compulsory servicemen

冬季征兵 winter conscription

应征入伍 be/get drafted into the army

多渠道扩大就业 expand job opportunities in various ways