英语听力汇总   |   解决农民工工资拖欠问题将有例可循






辽宁省沈阳市农民工拿到拖欠的工资 (图片来源:中国日报)

To ensure that rural migrant workers get their wages on time and in full, the regulation has clauses on clarifying the responsibilities of employers and related government departments, detailing rules for special areas and strengthening supervision.



“拖欠工资”可以用名词短语wage arrears表示,arrear读作[ə'rɪə],表示“欠款”,比如,某人已经欠了6个月的房租就可以说:someone is six weeks in arrear with his rent. 此外,“欠薪”还可以用动词短语withhold salary或者delay salary来表示。发工资的时候,有些单位还会出现无理克扣工资(unreasonable deductions from paychecks)的现象,更不用说保证发放加班费(overtime pay)了。

“讨薪”可以用demand unpaid salary来表示,如果讨薪成功,单位“补发工资”就可以用pay backdated salary表示。这里的backdated就是表示某个政策或举措从之前较早的时间开始计算。比如,6月份发出涨工资的决定,但是从1月开始算的,所以会从1月开始补发。这种情况就可以说:The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January.

The regulation said wages for rural migrant workers should be paid with bank transfers or cash, not in other forms such as physical goods or securities.


Government-funded projects must be given sufficient funding and should not be funded in advance by contractors, and government officials in regions with serious wage arrears will be punished.


The regulation also ordered government departments to beef up regulation, including setting up credit archives for employers and formulating a unified punishment system for those who default on migrant workers' wages.



年终奖 year-end bonus

加班费 overtime pay

工资集体协商 collective wage negotiation

实得工资 take-home income