英语听力汇总   |   广电总局:双11网络电商直播和广告不得夸大其词 鼓励产业扶贫





广电总局:双11网络电商直播和广告不得夸大其词 鼓励产业扶贫


In the notice, the National Radio and Television Administration said commercial livestreamers advertising products for the Nov. 11 shopping festival — popularly known as “Singles’ Day” or “Double Eleven” — must ensure that they’re advertising quality products, and that their content “guides viewers toward correct values.”



这里说的直播打广告其实就是大家熟知的“网红带货”,即(social)influencer marketing。“网红”可以用internet celebrity表示,不过国外媒体多用social media influencer或者简单的influencer来表示。

网红们之所以能产生如此大的能量,与背后的网红经济运作模式MCN(Multi-Channel Network)密切相关。MCN机构帮助这些网红KOL(Key Opinion Leader,关键意见领袖)进行内容持续输出(programming)、策划包装(planning)、寻找平台推广(promotion)、数据引流分析等繁琐的工作,让创作者减轻工作量专注于内容生产提高质量。

Li Chengdong, an angel investor and e-commerce industry strategy analyst, said that with the combined power of e-commerce and live-streaming, an individual can set a higher daily sales record than a major retailer, such as a department store or multinational supermarket chain outlet.


But the analyst said the "brand value" of an individual is no longer the sole property of that person, and it cannot be maintained by him or her alone, as this now requires a team of professionals.


广电总局的通知还提出,要坚守底线红线,节目中不得包含低俗、庸俗、媚俗的情节或镜头(no vulgar productions and kitsch allowed),严禁丑闻劣迹者发声出镜(no tainted people allowed on screen)。网络视听电子商务直播节目和广告节目用语要文明、规范,不得夸大其辞(language used in livestream should not be exaggerating),不得欺诈和误导消费者(not fool or mislead consumers)。

此外,通知也要求各网络视听节目服务机构要响应国家脱贫攻坚重大部署,通过直播电商、短视频等手段,让网络视听电商服务成为推介贫困地区农特产品的重要渠道(become an important channel to promote agricultural products from poverty-stricken areas),扩大覆盖面和影响力,助力产业扶贫。


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