英语听力汇总   |   10元修改朋友圈定位?专家称此类服务隐患多,要慎用







According to media reports, users can change the location shared in WeChat Moments with the help of a service available on some e-commerce platforms for as low as couple of yuan to dozens of yuan.


An investigation by Beijing Youth Daily found that the service is still available on e-commerce platforms, but sellers have to be authorized to remotely log in the buyer's WeChat account to change the GPS location with a plug-in.



这里的plug-in指a piece of software that can be added to a computer system to give extra features or functions(可添加入计算机系统以实现额外功能的软件),即“插件”。网络游戏中用来作弊的“外挂程序”则叫做tag-on service,指专门针对一个或多个网络游戏,通过改变网络游戏软件的部分程序制作而成的作弊程序(cheating program)。


单次代发一般只需10元、20元,需要用户自己先编辑好朋友圈内容,并设置为“仅自己可见”,告诉卖家需要的地理位置,卖家会提供一个二维码(QR code),用户扫描后将允许卖家远程登录自己的微信账号(remotely log in the buyer's WeChat account),并修改定位发布朋友圈。


软件无限次操作则需要用户购买外挂软件(plug-in software),一般在100元左右。用户下载APP,按照卖家发来的教程操作,即可无限次修改朋友圈定位。

此外,用户还可以购买一款像充电头一样的硬件设备(hardware device),插在手机上就能直接改变手机自身的位置,进而可以修改手机上任何软件的定位。

WeChat staff said that using plug-in software poses privacy and property security risks. Internet security experts also warned consumers not to buy this service, given the potential safety risks.


After gaining authorization through remote login, one can obtain the user's personal information and even implant trojans or viruses to the system, causing privacy leaks and loss of money, said an expert.


WeChat's public relations team said on Thursday the technical department has launched a probe into the issue. WeChat was not aware of the existence of the fake location service and have been cracking down on the use of plug-ins, the team said. As of the first half of 2019, WeChat has banned about one million accounts using plug-ins temporarily or permanently.


10月12日,微信表示,就媒体报道的外挂软件售卖信息,正在与淘宝沟通,要求下架相关违规服务(have such services removed from the platform),同时再次提醒用户不要使用此类外挂服务,以免带来隐私、财产安全等多种风险。


信息泄露 information leak

个人隐私 personal privacy

抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in

网红地打卡 take the perfect Wechat Moments snap at an internet-famous site