英语听力汇总   |   冰墩墩、雪容融来了!北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物揭晓






北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”(Bing Dwen Dwen),以熊猫为原型进行设计创作。

The giant panda, which will be the Olympic mascot, is often regarded as a symbol of China. Its helmet is also indicative of the snow and ice of winter sports.


The name "Bing Dwen Dwen" is a combination of several meanings in the Chinese language, with "Bing" the Chinese word for "ice", and "Dwen Dwen" meaning robust and lively.


The halo surrounding the mascot's face is suggestive of ice and snow tracks, as well as the flowing "ribbons" on the exterior of the National Speed Skating Oval.


北京冬残奥会吉祥物“雪容融”(Shuey Rhon Rhon)以灯笼为原型进行设计创作。

The Paralympic mascot choice of the lantern is seen as "symbolic of harvest, warmth and light". In the name "Shuey Rhon Rhon", "Shuey" is the Chinese word for "snow" and "Rhon Rhon" has the duel meaning of tolerance and integration.


The vivid red image is a perfect fit for the gala event, especially as the Games will coincide with China's Lunar New Year celebration in February and March 2022.



From what I have seen, I can say that it is a great choice. The mascot incorporates the best elements and characteristics of China and the Chinese people. It will be a wonderful ambassador for China and the Olympic Games Beijing 2022.



It's a mascot that represents a Chinese lantern, but also represents the Chinese New Year. It's a message of the future to the future generation of Chinese people who will be inspired by the amazing faith of the Paralympic athletes.



冬季奥运会 Winter Olympics

奥运会吉祥物  Olympic mascots

奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

口号 slogan

奥林匹克精神 the Olympic spirit

主办城市 host city