英语听力汇总   |   电子烟正诱导青少年吸烟 国家卫健委拟立法监管





电子烟正诱导青少年吸烟 国家卫健委拟立法监管

A high school principal displays vaping devices that were confiscated from students at the school in Massachusetts, the US, April 10, 2018. [Photo/IC]

China is planning to establish legislation to supervise electronic cigarettes as part of overall tobacco control efforts as use of the products increases among the youth, the National Health Commission said on Monday.


目前主流的电子烟(electronic cigarettes/e-cigarettes)大部分都是通过一个雾化器(vaporator)将包含丙二醇、植物甘油、调味香料和尼古丁等成分的烟油变成蒸汽,模拟吸烟时产生类似烟雾。


电子烟产生的气溶胶含有许多有毒有害的物质(toxic substances),电子烟中的各种添加剂成分(additives)也存在着健康风险(health risk)。另外,许多电子烟产品所含的尼古丁浓度标识模糊(nicotine concentration claim on the label is vague),容易导致使用者吸食过量。

同时,电子烟的器具还存在着电池爆炸(battery explosion)、烟液渗透(tobacco juice leak)、高温烫伤(scald burn risk)等安全风险。


About 0.9 percent of people in China were e-cigarette users last year-compared with 0.5 percent in 2015-according to a survey released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention in May, which was based on nearly 20,000 people across China. The number of e-cigarette users in China who are 15 years or older is estimated at 10 million, the center said.



"To reduce tobacco prevalence, we must prevent adolescents from trying tobacco. But e-cigarettes can easily lure youngsters and turn them into users of traditional tobacco later," Mao said.


It is necessary to intensify supervision over e-cigarettes. The National Heath Commission is working with other related departments conducting research on e-cigarette supervision and planning to put it under supervision through legislative means.



Over 80 percent of China's population will be under smoke-free legal protection as of 2030.


Party and government branches at all levels will become smoking-free by 2020, and smoking will get gradually banned throughout indoor public spaces, workplaces and public transport.



禁烟令 smoking ban

健康中国行动 Healthy China initiative

被动吸烟 passive smoking

二手烟 second-hand smoke

老烟枪 chain smokers