英语听力汇总   |   北京推“夜间经济13条” 这些地标将点亮夜京城





北京推“夜间经济13条” 这些地标将点亮夜京城

A night view of the Beijing CBD on Sept 9, 2018. [Photo/IC]

The nighttime economy refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector. Many other Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Tianjin, have introduced plans to boost their nighttime economy.


By the end of 2021, a bunch of nighttime landmarks, business districts and living areas will be set up throughout the capital, which is expected to be featured as part of a world-renowned "Night Capital" consumer brand.


首批4个“夜京城”地标(nighttime landmarks)分别为前门和大栅栏、三里屯、国贸、五棵松。

首批“夜京城”商圈(nighttime business districts)位于蓝色港湾、世贸天阶、簋街、合生汇、郎园、食宝街、荟聚、中粮·祥云小镇、奥林匹克公园等。

首批“夜京城”生活圈(nighttime living areas)在上地、五道口、常营、方庄、鲁谷、梨园、永顺、回龙观、天通苑等区域。
北京推“夜间经济13条” 这些地标将点亮夜京城

People walk along the Sanlitun shopping area in Beijing, June 14, 2019. [Photo/IC]

Late-night canteens along major subway lines will be further developed, and the 24-hour convenience stores, bookstores and movie theaters in the capital's urban and rural districts will be expanded to spur the nighttime economy.



Some scenic spots in the capital will extend their opening times by one to two hours, according to the plan. A series of nighttime performances will also be carried out in famous tourist attractions, such as the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Olympic Forest Park.


Beijing will extend operations of metro line 1 and line 2 for an extra one hour and 1.5 hours respectively, with the last trains departing after 12:30 am, according to the plan.



实体经济 real economy

支柱产业 pillar industry

消费升级 consumption upgrade

调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure

刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand