英语听力汇总   |   民政部:“只生不养”,这样的父母将被追责







Jointly issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Supreme People's Court and 10 other departments, the guideline defined children with both parents serving prison terms, undergoing compulsory drug rehabilitation or restriction of personal freedom as de facto orphans. This puts them in the same category as children who have sick, disabled parents or parents who have been declared missing. If one of a child's parents is under the aforementioned conditions and the other parent is dead or missing, the child can also be identified as a de facto orphan.



Serve prison terms就是“服刑”的意思,serve这个词最基本的意思是“服务”,引申开来就有“服役、任职、招待”等意思,比如美剧里时常会有个壮汉说:I served in Afghanistan.(我曾经在阿富汗服役。)或者,serve the interests of all the people(符合所有人的利益)。在网球和羽毛球比赛中,serve则表示“发球”,可用作动词或名词,比如:Whose turn is it to serve?(该谁发球了?)Federer's serve is unbeatable.(费德勒的发球无人能敌。)


一是强化基本生活保障(basic living allowances)。明确对事实无人抚养儿童发放基本的生活补贴。

二是加强医疗康复保障(medical relief programs)。对符合条件的事实无人抚养儿童按规定实施医疗救助。

三是完善教育资助的救助(assistance for schooling)。将事实无人抚养儿童参照孤儿纳入教育资助的范围,享受相应的政策待遇,优先纳入国家资助政策体系和教育的帮扶体系。

四是督促落实监护的责任(responsibility of children's guardians)。要求依法打击故意或者恶意不履行监护职责等各类侵害儿童权益的违法犯罪行为。

The document also warned of punishments if parents with childrearing capacity pretend they don't have the capability with the aim of defrauding government welfare for their children. The guideline said law enforcement officers can revoke guardianship of parents defrauding child welfare, and civil affairs authorities can charge those parents child-rearing fees.



未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests

未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters

校园欺凌 school bullying

抚养能力 childrearing capacity