英语听力汇总   |   北京地铁6号线尝试“同车不同温”






A sign reading "different temperatures on the same train" is seen on the platform floor on line six. [Photo provided to China Daily]

In a bid to ease complaints and accommodate passengers' needs in the hot summer months of Beijing, Subway Line 6 is now offering train services with varying temperatures.



Accommodate这个词有好几个意思,咱们最常见的是“容纳;提供住宿”,比如,This hotel can accommodate at least 100 guests.(这家旅馆至少可以为100位客人提供住宿。)This school is not big enough to accommodate all the children.(这个学校不够大,没法容纳下所有孩子。)但是在这里,accommodate的意思是“迎合、适应(某人的要求)”,一般搭配是accommodate one's needs/demands。这个词的名词形式accommodation多指“住处;(楼房或交通工具内的)空间,座位”,比如,temporary accommodation(临时住处)。

Those riding on the front half of the train will be hit with a strong blast of air conditioning, while those on the back half will be subject to much less intense A/C.


A sign reading "different temperatures on the same train" is seen on the platform floor on line six. [Photo provided to China Daily]

京地铁运营一分公司相关负责人表示,目前6号线整列车厢温度高峰时设置为26℃,平峰时设置为27℃。工作人员将通过手动程序,分别对“强冷”车厢和“弱冷”车厢的空调温度进行调节(subway staff will manually adjust temperatures in carriages based on which section they are in)。

北京地铁方面表示,通过对已上线的3列车试运行情况看,“弱冷车厢”内的空调温度要比“强冷车厢”内高2℃(temperature in carriages of cool section is 2 degrees higher than that of cold section)。具体而言,“强冷车厢”的平均客室内温度约为25℃。


中央空调 central air conditioning

集中供暖 central heating

柜式空调 cabinet air conditioner

壁挂式空调 wall mount air conditioner