英语听力汇总   |   国家卫健委:今年将安宁疗护试点工作扩大到71个市区






A nurse takes care of an old woman at Tianjin Yan'an Hospital on Nov 14, 2017. [Photo/IC]

China hopes to soon expand an end-of-life care program across the country after a successful pilot program, the National Health Commission said.


The pilot program was first launched in five cities and municipal districts, including Haidian District in Beijing, Putuo District in Shanghai and Changchun in the northeastern province of Jilin, in 2017.



安宁疗护(hospice care/end-of-life care)是旨在为疾病终末期或老年患者在临终前提供身体、心理、精神等方面的照料(attend to the physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual needs of the terminally ill or elderly patients)和人文关怀,控制痛苦和不适症状(focus on palliation of their pain and symptoms),提高生命质量,帮助患者舒适、安祥、有尊严的离世(help them die with more comfort and dignity)。

“健康中国2030(Healthy China 2030)”规划纲要当中明确提出,要构建治疗期住院、康复期护理、稳定期生活照料,以及安宁疗护的综合连续的老年健康服务体系(build a comprehensive and continuous elderly care service system that includes treatment, rehabilitation care,daily life care and hospice care)。

A total of 283,000 patients received end-of-life care across the country in 2018, according to an NHC meeting held on June 3.


王海东称,今年即将出台建立完善老年健康服务体系的指导意见,安宁疗护是其中一个重要方面,还要完善一些标准规范,比如说要制定出台安宁疗护进入的指导标准、安宁疗护用药的指导、专家共识(guidelines for end-of-life care services that include access requirements, medication guides and other expertise)等等。

China had about 170 million people aged 65 or above as of the end of 2018, which accounted for nearly 12 percent of its total population.


Around 75 percent of China's elderly people suffered from chronic diseases.


There are also 40 million disabled and semi-disabled seniors with an urgent demand for long-term care.



居家看护 in-home care

社区养老 community-based elderly care

慢性病 chronic diseases

心理健康 mental health

重大疾病 serious diseases