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奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查

The market regulator in Xi’an, Northwest China’s Shaanxi province has ordered a Mercedes Benz 4S dealership in the city, mired in an oil leak scandal, to refund the buyer as soon as possible after conducting an investigation of the incident.

陕西西安一家奔驰4S店陷入漏油问题风波, 西安市场监管部门责成4S店对此事调查核实后,尽快退车退款。


这里的4S指:sale(销售)、spare part(零配件)、service(售后服务)和survey(信息反馈)。

大多数商品享受到的售后“三包服务”为warranty services of repair, replacement and refund(修理、更换及退货)。


The video shows the woman sitting on top of a Mercedes-Benz and crying that she bought it for 660,000 yuan, making a down payment of 200,000 yuan, and after the leak was discovered her complaint was ignored for 15 days.

奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查



The Mercedes Benz dealership in Xi'an Saturday said the shop is negotiating with the buyer. The dealership has agreed to refund her in full, but the buyer told local regulators that she was not satisfied with the deal, and insisted on further negotiations.

奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查

A woman fixes a Mercedes star to a car's bonnet in production of a Mercedes-Benz S-Class on an assembly line in Sindelfingen, Germany, Jan 24, 2018. [Photo/IC]


► 调查该车车辆历史(an investigation into the history of the car),要求知晓该车到店至销售期间的基本情况;

► 车辆PDI检查(pre-delivery inspection,新车交付前检查)是否真实,检查人员有无资质,3月22日到3月27日期间又做了哪些检查,车辆的检查有没有检查到问题,检查人员有无资质;

► 没有任何利益的第三方对车辆进行检测(an independent inspection of the vehicle),如果是质量问题依法赔偿,如果是三包问题,我们也愿意接受。我们合法维权;

► 调查4s店在销售过程中是否侵犯了知情权,是否有强制消费,收取的金融服务费(financial service fee)是否合理,要求调查是否存在违法;每年有多少消费者被动消费;

► 规范汽车行业车辆PDI检查,与从业人员素质;

► 奔驰官方要给一个正式的道歉和情况说明(a formal apology and statement from the Mercedes-Benz company);

► 对个人精神方面的损害给予补偿(compensation for her psychological damage);

► 对汽车行业销售方面乱象进行整治,维护消费者合法权益(protect legal rights and interests of consumers)。
奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查

On Saturday, the Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co issued a statement saying it was deeply sorry for the customer's experience. It said it had launched an investigation and dispatched a special team to Xi'an to negotiate with the woman.


奔驰车主哭诉维权 市场监管部门立案调查

In another statement on Sunday, the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services said that Mercedes-Benz charges no such financial service fee to dealers or customers, and have repeatedly required its dealers to abide by the law and guarantee customers' rights.



The car in question has been sealed for examination by local regulators, media reports said on Saturday.




分期付款 installment payments

消费者合法权益 legal rights and interests of consumers

市场秩序 market order

质量缺陷 quality defects

第三方检验检测 third-party inspection and test

欺骗消费者 consumer fraud

金融服务费 financial service fee