英语听力汇总   |   日本新年号为“令和” 5月1日启用





日本新年号为“令和” 5月1日启用

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announces the new era name "Reiwa" during a press conference at the prime minister's office in Tokyo, April 1,2019. [Photo/IC]

The reign of Japan’s next emperor will be known as the Reiwa era, after the new imperial name was unveiled before an expectant nation on Monday morning.


The new era will begin on May 1, a day after the emperor, Akihito – whose era is known as Heisei (achieving peace) – makes way for his eldest son, Crown Prince Naruhito, in Japan’s first imperial abdication for more than 200 years.


日本官房长官菅义伟透露,新年号的出处是日本古籍《万叶集(Manyoshu)》中的诗句“初春令月,气淑风和”,《万叶集》是现存最古老的日本诗歌总集(the oldest existing compilation of Japanese poetry)。


日本政府于当地时间4月1日上午9点半起在首相官邸召开关于年号的专家恳谈会(penal discussion),就新年号原案征求意见。为了防止泄密,内阁成员在参与决定前必须交出手机和移动设备,并一直留在决策室中,直到正式宣布为止。一旦有候选年号被泄露给媒体,则立即失去候选资格(any names leaked to the media ahead of the announcement would immediately be withdrawn)。
日本新年号为“令和” 5月1日启用

People try to receive a copy of extra edition of Mainichi Shimbun newspaper reporting the name of new era "Reiwa" in Tokyo, April 1, 2019. [Photo/IC]

对于年号的选择,日本首相安倍晋三表示,这个词代表日本丰富的国民文化和悠久的传统(our nation’s profound public culture and long tradition)。


Just like amazing plum flowers in full bloom that signal the arrival of spring after bitter cold, each and every Japanese person can hope for the future and make their own flowers blossom.


Our nation is facing up to a big turning point, but there are lots of Japanese values that shouldn’t fade away. We are very proud of our history, culture and tradition, and this term expresses the Japan of tomorrow, the one we want to build for future generations. That was the most decisive point in making the choice.


日本官房长官表示,不会公布新年号的提供者姓名(the identity of the expert who suggested the new gengo),也不会公布其他候选年号(the other candidate names)。
日本新年号为“令和” 5月1日启用

An Otaria, South American sea lion poses after writing the Kanji of Japan's new era name "Reiwa" at Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea paradise in Kanagawa Prefecture on April 1, 2019. [Photo/IC]

Era names, or "gengo" as they are known in Japanese, are used in Japan for the length of an emperor's reign.


The new era name is usually announced after the accession of the new monarch, but the government decided to announce the new name in advance of the accession of the new Emperor.


In this way companies and the general public have time to prepare for the change and disruption is kept to a minimum.
