英语听力汇总   |   奥运会上能看霹雳舞了?2024年奥运会有望增加霹雳舞、冲浪等四个大项






Chinese dancer Yiyang Qianxi is seen in the online talent show Street Dance of China. [Photo/IC]

Breakdancing has been proposed for inclusion in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, organizers have announced. It is among four sports that organizers will propose to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as well as surfing, climbing and skateboarding, which will all debut at Tokyo 2020.


霹雳舞(breakdancing)起源于上世纪60年代末、70年代初,最初在非裔和拉丁裔美国年轻人当中兴起,有时也简称为breaking、b-boying或b-girling(跳霹雳舞的人就可以简称为breaker、b-boy或b-girl),属于街舞(street dance)的一种。霹雳舞的动作多为即兴(improvisational),主要强调能量、动作、创意,还有一点点危险的感觉。这里的break指DJ通过混音制造出的连续的舞曲节拍(a continuous dancing beat)。

2018年,霹雳舞作为新增项目首次在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯青奥会(Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires)亮相。

The young participants competed in head-to-head "battles" under nicknames, with Russia's b-boy Bumblebee taking home the men's gold medal, while Japan's Ramu Kawai won the girls' title.

年轻选手们都有自己的昵称,在赛场上捉对“厮杀”,最终俄罗斯选手Bumblebee和日本选手Ramu Kawai分获男女金牌。


"We are pleased to see that Paris 2024's proposal for new sports to the Olympic programme is very much in line with the reforms of Olympic Agenda 2020, which is striving to make the Olympic programme gender-balanced, more youth-focused and more urban."


巴黎奥组委主席托尼·埃斯坦盖(Tony Estanguet)表示:

Breakdancing is a fantastic opportunity to be really in line with the story that Paris 2024 wants to tell. We want those Games in connection with creativity, connected with the youth, more urban, more out of the stadiums.


国际奥委会全会于2014年12月通过了《奥林匹克2020议程》(Olympic Agenda 2020),围绕可持续发展、提高公信力和吸引青少年三大主题(with regard to sustainability, credibility and youth)提出了40条改革建议,其中包括相对灵活地设置奥运会比赛项目、东道主可提议增项(allow the OCOGs to make a proposal for the inclusion of one or more additional events on the Olympic programme for that edition of the Olympic Games)。

The 5th World Dance Games celebrates street dance in all its forms. The event was held from Aug 6 to 9, 2017 in Zhengzhou, Henan province. [Photo by Wang Wei/China Daily]

新增四个大项将包括12个小项(12 events),共有248名运动员参赛。为体现性别平等(gender equality)原则,男、女各有124人参赛。


The sports must now await final approval from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which has until December 2020 to make a final decision.



夏季奥运会 Summer Olympics

冬季奥运会 Winter Olympics

青年奥林匹克运动会,青奥会 Youth Olympic Games

新增项目 inclusion/addition of new sports

奥运会吉祥物  Olympic mascots

奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

口号 slogan

奥林匹克精神 the Olympic spirit

主办城市 host city