英语听力汇总   |   国务院印发《国家职业教育改革实施方案》






Women learn how to care for babies at a vocational training center in Hebei province in October. [Photo/Xinhua]

China has vowed to cultivate more quality laborers and skilled workers by reforming its vocational education systems, according to the plan.


Vocational education and training systems will be reformed to match with science and technology development trends and market demands and to promote economic modernization and higher quality employment, the official documents note.


《方案》提出,从2019年开始,在职业院校、应用型本科高校启动“学历证书+若干职业技能等级证书(diploma plus certificates of vocational skills)”制度试点工作。

到2022年,职业院校教学条件基本达标,一大批普通本科高等学校向应用型转变,建设50所高水平高等职业学校(50 high quality higher vocational schools)和150个骨干专业(群)(150 core specialties)。


一是完善国家职业教育制度体系(improve national systems and policies relating to vocational education)。

二是构建职业教育国家标准(establish national standards for vocational education)。

三是促进产教融合(promote integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities)。

四是建设多元办学格局(diversified operation of vocational schools)。


职业教育 vocational education

工匠精神 spirit of the craftsman/craftsmanship

学前教育 preschool education

产教融合 integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities

初创企业 startup business

工业转型 industrial transformation

技术创新 technological innovation

“双一流” "Double First-Class" initiative