英语听力汇总   |   多部门联合印发乡村旅游可持续发展指导意见






Wearing ethnic costumes, dancers of the Zhuang ethnic group perform at a rural tourism site in Ningming county in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Sunday. [Zhu Xingxin/China Daily]

The document emphasizes adhering to the principles of putting the ecology first, being people-oriented as well as development based on actual local conditions.


意见明确了促进乡村旅游可持续发展(the sustainable development of countryside tourism)的五项措施,包括:

加强规划引领,优化区域布局,促进乡村旅游区域协同发展(promoting regional coordinated development);

完善基础设施,提升公共服务(improving infrastructure and public service),改善乡村旅游环境,促进乡村旅游便利化(promoting the environment and convenience of countryside tourism);

丰富文化内涵,提升产品品质,丰富乡村旅游产品类型(providing more tourism products),提高乡村旅游服务管理水平;

创建旅游品牌,加大市场营销,培育构建乡村旅游品牌体系(building countryside tourism brands),创新乡村旅游营销模式;

注重农民受益,助力脱贫攻坚(helping improve the livelihoods and well-being of rural residents),探索推广发展模式,完善利益联结机制。


乡村振兴 rural vitalization

新农村建设 building of new countryside

“三农”问题(农业农村农民问题) the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers

乡村治理体系 rural governance model

农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas