英语听力汇总   |   海南离岛免税再升级 年度限额增至3万元





海南离岛免税再升级 年度限额增至3万元

Shoppers at a duty-free shop in Sanya, Hainan province. [Photo by Sha Xiaofeng/for China Daily]

The popular Chinese resort island of Hainan province will further relax limits on offshore duty-free shopping from next month.


财政部、海关总署(General Administration of Customs)、税务总局共同发布《关于进一步调整海南离岛旅客免税购物政策的公告》(下称《公告》),此次调整主要包括提升离岛免税购物限额和增加免税商品清单范围,自2018年12月1日起执行。现行离岛免税购物限额为每人每年累计免税购物限额不超过16000元人民币,《公告》将离岛旅客(包括岛内居民旅客)每人每年累计免税购物限额增加到30000元(the quota of making duty-free purchases will be raised to 30,000 yuan per year ),不限次(without limits on the number of purchases)。


除此之外,离岛免税商品清单增加了部分家用医疗器械(medical apparatus and instruments)商品,包括视力训练仪(visual training machines)、助听器(hearing aids)、矫形固定器械、家用呼吸支持设备(household respiratory support equipment),每人每次限购2件(buy a maximum of two of these items each time)。
海南离岛免税再升级 年度限额增至3万元

Consumers throng the Haitang Bay duty-free shop in Sanya, in the island province of Hainan. [Photo by Sun Qing/for China Daily]

海南离岛免税购物政策(the offshore duty-free shopping policy)2011年4月20日正式落地,7年来,相关政策经过数次调整,分别对政策惠及人的年龄、离岛免税商品品种、离岛免税购物限额(offshore tax-free purchases quota)、购物次数限制、销售方式等进行完善,持续释放政策红利(policy dividend)。

"The new change will help bring more luxury products to the Chinese market and convenience for visitors," Wang said, adding that it will attract more visitors to the island and boost the development of the service industry.


根据海南省政府的数据(data from the provincial government),今年1月至10月,该省免税商品消费总额达79.5亿元(purchases of duty-free products totaled 7.95 billion yuan),同比上涨23%。去年,免税销售额达80.16亿元,较2016年上涨32%。