英语听力汇总   |   央行降准释放超万亿元资金






Headquarters of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, is pictured in Beijing, September 28, 2018. [Photo/VCG]

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) decided on Sunday to cut the requirement reserve ratio (RRR) for RMB deposits by one percentage point starting from Oct 15. The RRR cut will cover the yuan deposits of large commercial banks, share-holding commercial banks, city commercial banks, non-county rural commercial banks and foreign banks.


Some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to pay back the 450 billion yuan of the medium-term lending facility that will mature on Oct. 15.


央行负责人表示,本次降准的目的是优化流动性结构,增强金融服务实体经济(real economy)能力。释放约7500亿元增量资金(incremental capital),可以增加金融机构支持小微企业(small and micro enterprises)、民营企业(private enterprises)和创新型企业(innovative enterprises)的资金来源,促进提高我国经济的创新活力和韧性(enhance the vitality and resilience of the Chinese economy),增强内生经济增长动力(strengthen endogenous growth momentum),推动实体经济健康发展(promote the healthy development of the real economy)。以此推算,此次降准释放的资金总量大约为1.2万亿元。

此前1月、4月、7月央行已经执行了三次降准,此次将是年内第四次降准(the fourth RRR cut of the year),也是年内第二次定向降准(targeted RRR cuts)置换中期借贷便利。加上此次降准,今年4次降准共释放流动性3.65万亿元,除去归还的中期借贷便利,净释放资金2.3万亿元。

该负责人表示,本次降准仍属于定向调控,银行体系流动性总量基本稳定,银根是稳健中性的(prudent and neutral),货币政策(monetary policy)取向没有改变。央行将继续实施稳健中性的货币政策,不搞大水漫灌(refrain from using a deluge of stimulus),注重定向调控(focus on targeted adjustment),保持流动性合理充裕(maintain sound and sufficient liquidity),引导货币信贷(monetary credit)和社会融资规模合理增长,为高质量发展和供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform)营造适宜的货币金融环境(create a proper monetary and financial environment)。

央行的公告称,本次降准将弥补银行体系流动性缺口(fill in the liquidity gap of banks),由于我国的货币政策并没有放松,不会对人民币形成贬值压力(put no downward pressure on the yuan)。


央行注入流动性主要通过三大"货币政策工具(monetary policy tools)":公开市场业务(open market operation, OMO)、贴现率(discount rate)、存款准备金率(reserve requirement ratio, RRR)。其中,公开市场业务主要是指央行在市场上买卖债券,最近央行展开的"逆回购(reverse repurchase agreement/reverse repo)"就属于公开市场业务的一种,指的是央行向商业银行"购买有价证券(to purchase securities)",这样一来市场上流通的债券就少了,而央行支付给债券卖方的现金多了,这就注入了流动性。