英语听力汇总   |   浙江省获联合国'地球卫士奖'






Tourists watch local folk performances on the water in Wuzhen, Tongxiang, East China's Zhejiang province, on April 1, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

Zhejiang province was recognized with a Champions of the Earth Award, the United Nation's highest environmental honor, at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday.


联合国"地球卫士奖(Champions of the Earth Award)"于2004年设立,旨在表彰通过自身行动和影响力展现对环境领导力的承诺和愿景的组织或个人。地球卫士奖按成就类别可分为"政策领导力 (policy leadership) 奖、科学与创新(science and innovation)奖、激励与行动(inspiration and action)奖、商界卓识奖、以及终身成就(lifetime achievement)奖"等。获奖者不乏国家领导人,以及来自政界、科学界、商界等各个领域的个人及组织。

浙江"千村示范 万村整治"工程(Zhejiang's Green Rural Revival Program)荣获"2018地球卫士·激励与行动奖"。该工程旨在运用水资源管理、废物管理以及循环利用(water management, waste management, and recycling),以改造该省环境(transform the environment in the province)。

联合国环境署向浙江"千万工程"颁发"地球卫士奖"的颁奖词写道:中国浙江"千村示范 万村整治"工程扎实推进美丽乡村建设,效果显著,将昔日污染严重的河流(once-heavily polluted rivers)改造地潺潺流水清可见底。

A sightseeing train travels through Tengtou village in Fenghua, East China's Zhejiang province, on April 23, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

"This exceptionally successful eco-restoration program shows the transformative power of economic and environmental development together," according to the website of the United Nations Environment Program.


法国总统马克龙和印度总理莫迪因其对国际太阳能联盟(International Solar Alliance)的支持,以及对环境保护合作行动的推广(promote cooperative action on environmental protection),获得"政策领导力奖"(be recognized in the "Policy Leadership" category)。

印度的科钦国际机场(Cochin International Airport)荣获今年的商界卓识奖(win this year's "Entrepreneurial Vision" award);琼·卡林荣获终身成就奖,她是全球最杰出的环境和土著权利维护者之一(world's most prominent defenders of environmental and Indigenous rights)。


自然环境 natural environment、

绿色产业 green industry

绿色能源 green power/energy

生态文明 ecological progress

环境污染 environmental pollution

环保意识 environmental awareness

低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle