英语听力汇总   |   我国公民科学素质提升显著






A visitor to a service trade expo interacts with a robot on display at the event. [Photo by A Jing/For China Daily]

According to a national survey on scientific literacy, nearly 8.5% of China's total population is scientifically literate in 2018, a 2.3 percentage point increase compared to 2015.


中国科协科学技术普及部部长(director-general of the Department of Science Popularization at the Chinese Association of Science and Technology)白希介绍说,改革开放(reform and opening up)以来,中国公民的科学素质(scientific literacy)提升非常显著:2005年调查结果显示,中国公民具备科学素质的比例仅略高于1%,而从最新的第10次中国公民科学素质调查数据(data of the 10th national survey on scientific literacy)看,截至2018年,已经达到8.47%,对于"十三五"规划(13th Five-Year Plan)要求在2020年底达到10%的目标来说,增长很快,进步巨大。

Percentage of population in surveys that understands science and can use it to solve problems. China Daily

这意味着如今更多国人都能理解科学(understand and appreciate science),并将其用于解决生活和工作中的问题(solve issues in life and at work)。调查对受访者的基础科学知识(basic science knowledge)、对于重要科学问题的看法(opinions on key scientific issues)及其通过科学做决定和解决问题的能力(ability to use science to make decisions and solve problems)进行测试。

中国公民具备科学素质比例近8.5%,这个数字意味着什么?中国科协副主席徐延豪指出,全球30多个科技先行国家(technologically advanced countries)在进入创新型国家行列(innovation powerhouses)的时候,其公民具备较高科学素质的比例最少也要10%(at least 10% of their population is scientifically literate)。因此,衡量一个国家是否进入创新型国家行列,公众具有较高科学素质的比例至少要有10%。中国今年达8.47%,2020年10%的目标已有了基础。

"Improving scientific literacy, upholding the scientific spirit, and spreading the use of scientific methods are crucial in eliminating superstitions and false rumors," Huai Jinpeng, executive vice-president of the science association, said. "This will be a long and challenging process, but we are confident in overcoming the issues."



综合素质 comprehensive quality

创新能力 innovation capacity

科技实力 technological strength

国际竞争力 international competitiveness