英语听力汇总   |   刘强东性侵案:案件还在调查 律师称起诉可能性小






Chinese e-commerce giant JD said on Monday its founder and CEO, Liu Qiangdong, has returned to China and resumed work after his arrest in Minneapolis in the US on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct.


刘强东性侵案:案件还在调查 律师称起诉可能性小

A screenshot shows Liu Qiangdong, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant JD.com, was accused of sexual misconduct in the US. [Photo/hennepin.us]

Jail records from Hennepin County, Minneapolis show a man named Liu Qiangdong, born on March 10, 1973, was arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct. Liu was arrested at 11:32 pm on Aug 31, and released pending investigation at 4 pm Sept 1, according to jail records.

美国明尼苏达州亨内平郡的监狱记录显示,当地时间8月31日23时32分,一名叫"Liu Qiang Dong"的男性因涉嫌刑事性行为在明尼阿波利斯市被捕,并在9月1日16时获释,目前案件状态是"取保等待正式指控"。

京东2日在微博发布声明称,公司创始人兼首席执行官刘强东在美国商务活动(business trip)期间,遭遇性侵失实指控(be falsely accused of sexual misconduct),经过当地警方调查,未发现有任何不当行为,他将按照原计划继续其行程(local police found no misconduct and that Liu would continue his trip as planned)。

京东表示:"我们将针对不实报道或造谣行为釆取必要的法律行动(take necessary legal action against false reporting or rumors)。"


明尼苏达州资深刑事律师周东发告诉第一财经记者,明尼苏达州要求拘留不能超过36小时。由于刘强东处于 "释放有待正式起诉(released pending formal complaint)",也就是说,他现在没有被"控告",是一个自由人,根本不存在保释金(bail)一说。保释金只针对受到指控的人。

明尼苏达州的法律较为特别,不像其他州将性侵明确区分成强奸还是性骚扰,明尼苏达的刑事性行为(criminal sexual conduct)可分为五级,从轻罪到重罪(from a gross misdemeanor to felonies),行为覆盖面广泛(cover a broad array of conduct),从未经同意的触碰到造成损伤的暴力侵害(nonconsensual touching to violent assaults with injuries)。周东称:"如果美国警方根据所收集的信息,能够确认指控在一到三级的话,就绝对不会出现0美元保释的情况,只有指控级别较轻,才会允许0美元保释。"


刘强东明尼苏达州的律师格雷(Earl Gray,Minnesota-based lawyer for Liu)和约瑟夫•弗里德伯格(Joseph S. Friedberg)表示,刘强东否认有任何不当行为(deny any wrongdoing),在未被指控或保释的情况下即被释放(be released without charges or bail),预计其客户未来受到指控的可能性非常小(charges are highly unlikely in the future to be brought against their client)。

弗里德伯格称,目前尚不明确导致刘强东被逮捕的具体指控内容。不过他认为,"因为这样的指控,而将某人逮捕,但是却毫无条件的释放,而且也没有扣下他的护照,这种情况是极为罕见的。因此,"有99%的几率,刘强东不会受到任何起诉(no charges will be brought against him)。"这位律师甚至认为,"我认为他(刘强东)最终可能会因为这次被捕,而收到(警方的)道歉(may eventually receive a apology because of this arrest)。


明尼阿波利斯警察局发言人埃尔德(Minneapolis Police Department spokesman John Elder)表示:"在被警方释放后,目前刘强东的个人行动自由并不受到限制,他可以离开明尼苏达州,也可以离开美国,但并不代表他是无罪的,他在被警方联系的时候需要进行配合。"

Elder said an investigation was ongoing and declined to provide details of the arrest.



刘强东性侵案:案件还在调查 律师称起诉可能性小

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying speaks at a daily briefing on Friday. [Photo/fmprc.gov.cn]

在9月3日的外交部例行记者会(regular press conference)上,外交部发言人华春莹(Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying)也就此事作出回应,表示中国驻芝加哥总领馆((the Chinese Consulate in Chicag)正密切关注有关情况(closely follow the relevant situation),并就此与美国有关部门进行了解和核实(verify facts)。


性侵 sexual misconduct

性骚扰 sexual harassment

性暴力 sexual violence

性别平等 gender equality

女性权益 women's rights

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