英语听力汇总   |   “共享护士”服务兴起 你会使用吗?





“共享护士”服务兴起 你会使用吗?

With featured services like “nurse sharing”, it is said to benefit medical professionals who are often underpaid, and bypass non-urgent hospital visits for patients. This is especially the case among the aging population, those with chronic diseases and people in need of care after being discharged from the hospital.


“共享护士(nurse sharing)”是分享经济(sharing economy)大潮中的一个新成员,操作方式与其他共享类服务app相似,也是线上预约(making appointment online),线下服务(offering service offline)。需要护理和服务的患者在平台登记注册并上传用药处方后根据需求下单,另一边注册并通过审核的护士抢单或者由系统派单。

“共享护士”提供的服务包括上门打针输液(injection and IV)、静脉采血(blood draw)、外科伤口换药(wound dressing change)、灌肠(coloclysis)、吸痰导尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻饲(nasal feeding)护理及指导等10多项。

“共享护士”服务兴起 你会使用吗?

According to census report there’re currently 222 million people who’re aged over 60 years in China, many of whom live with chronic diseases. Home-care online services such as “nursing sharing” are able to meet the needs of both patients and providers. So far, there are about 20 different such apps in China, Qilu Evening News reports.



Underlying issues such as “medical disputes between doctors and patients, one’s safety, and qualifications of providers are still yet to be addressed”, according to reports from Worker Daily News.



上门服务 door-to-door service

居家护理 home-based health care

慢性病 chronic diseases

老龄人口 aging population

医患纠纷 disputes between doctors and patients