英语听力汇总   |   夏威夷火山喷发以及强震 中国领事馆提醒公民远离危险区域





夏威夷火山喷发以及强震 中国领事馆提醒公民远离危险区域

Lava advances along a street near a fissure in Leilani Estates, on Kilauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone, Hawaii, the US, May 5, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Consulate General of China in Los Angeles issued an alert message Saturday morning, warning Chinese citizens not to stay in dangerous zones in Hawaii's Big Island, which has been suffering strong volcano eruptions and earthquakes since Thursday.


据美国地质勘探局地震信息网消息,夏威夷群岛的最大岛屿比格艾兰岛(Big Island“大岛”)当地时间4日中午发生6.9级地震,震中邻近正处于喷发状态的基拉韦火山(the Kilauea Volcano)。当地政府启动应急响应机制,疏散周围居民,火山所在的夏威夷火山国家公园(the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park)已部分关闭。

中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆在通告中提醒中国公民,关注火山活动情况,遵从当地政府部门指引(follow the directions of the local government),避免进入高危险区域。
夏威夷火山喷发以及强震 中国领事馆提醒公民远离危险区域

据夏威夷州当地应急部门通告,对人们健康最大的威胁来自火山喷发后飘落的灰烬和地质活动在地表形成裂缝后排出的有毒气体(toxic gas)。

The Hawaiian Volcanoes Observatory said eight vents, each several hundred meters long, opened in the neighborhood since Thursday. By late Saturday, the fissures had quieted down and were only releasing steam and gas.


Authorities cautioned sulfuric gas pouring out of the vents posed dangers, particularly to elderly and people with respiratory problems.



活火山 active volcano

休眠火山 dormant volcano

死火山 extinct volcano

火山爆发 volcanic eruption

火山熔岩 volcanic lava

火山灰 volcanic ash