英语听力汇总   |   习近平:打好决胜全面建成小康社会三大攻坚战






三大攻坚战(three tough battles)是:防范化解金融风险(preventing and defusing financial risks)、精准脱贫(targeted poverty alleviation)、污染防治(pollution control)。



Preventing and defusing financial risks is relevant to national security, overall development, and the security of people's property, and is a key threshold that the country must cross to achieve high-quality growth.


The country has made progress in its fight against poverty, a battle that must be won.


Environmental issues are a major concern for the public, and are decisive to Chinese people's judgment of the success of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, this is a battle we must win.

会议指出,打好防范化解金融风险攻坚战,要坚持底线思维,坚持稳中求进,抓住主要矛盾。地方政府和企业特别是国有企业要尽快把杠杆降下来(China should reduce the leverage ratio of local governments and companies, especially State-owned enterprises),努力实现宏观杠杆率稳定和逐步下降。要分类施策,根据不同领域、不同市场金融风险情况,采取差异化、有针对性的办法(tailored policies should be used to control risks in different financial markets)。

会议强调,打好精准脱贫攻坚战,要咬定总攻目标,严格坚持现行扶贫标准(authorities should stick to the current poverty relief standards),不能擅自拔高标准,也不能降低标准(should not make arbitrary decisions to raise or lower the standards)。

会议指出,打好污染防治攻坚战,要明确目标任务,到2020年使主要污染物排放总量大幅减少(significant reduction of the release of major pollutants),生态环境质量总体改善。

要坚持源头防治,调整“四个结构”,做到“四减四增”。一是要调整产业结构(adjust industrial structure),减少过剩和落后产业(phasing out surplus and backward industries),增加新的增长动能(fostering new growth drivers)。二是要调整能源结构(adjust energy structure),减少煤炭消费(cutting coal consumption),增加清洁能源使用(increasing the use of clean energy)。三是要调整运输结构(adjust structure of transport),减少公路运输量(lowering percentage of road transport),增加铁路运输量(increasing percentage of rail freight)。四是要调整农业投入结构(adjust input structure of agriculture),减少化肥农药使用量(cutting the use of pesticides),增加有机肥使用量(encouraging the use of organic fertilizers)。