英语听力汇总   |   特朗普访华将是“国事访问+”






Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai briefs media during a news conference on Trump's upcoming visit to China in Washington DC, Oct 30, 2017. [Photo by Zhao Huanxin/chinadaily.com.cn]

US President Donald Trump is expected to arrive in Beijing on Nov 8 for what Ambassador Cui Tiankai called a "state visit-plus" featuring talks, a military honor guard and formal banquet and some "special arrangements".


崔天凯大使说,一方面,我们要确保两国元首能够有充分的时间在最高层面进行战略沟通和对话(the two presidents will have sufficient time for the top-level, strategic conversation),这对中美关系发展至关重要。另一方面,我们也希望特朗普总统和他的家人及随行人员有更多的机会了解中国的历史、文化,了解中国人民(to learn more about Chinese history, culture and people),我们会尽量多地给他们创造这样的机会。


Cui said the rising trade disputes between the two largest economies are only a small part of the economic relationship. They should be handled in a constructive and pragmatic manner, so that they do not undermine the overall economic relationship.


If we are really engaged in a joint effort for a mutually beneficial solution to these disputes, we can still have a win-win outcome.


The Korean Peninsula issue cannot be solved by China itself. It requires a concerted effort of all the parties concerned, including the US and the DPRK.


It is clear that if only China is making its efforts, while others are doing things that could lead to escalation of tensions, this issue would not be solved, and it would become even more difficult, and the end result would hurt everybody's interest.
