英语听力汇总   |   十九大代表具有广泛的代表性






Delegates of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) arrive at Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Oct 15, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

According to the examination report, 2,287 delegates were elected from electoral units across the country and the list had been published with the approval of the CPC Central Committee. After examination, qualifications of 2,280 were confirmed valid, putting the actual number of delegates attending the congress at 2,280.


报告说,十九大代表总体上符合中央规定的条件,具有较高的思想政治素质(high ideological and political quality)、良好的作风品行(good style in conduct)和较强的议事能力(strong capability in discussing political affairs),在各自岗位上做出了显著成绩(good professional performance),是共产党员中的优秀分子(outstanding Party members)。十九大代表各项结构比例均符合中央要求,具有广泛的代表性(the delegates are highly representative)。

报告说,在代表选举产生过程中,全国基层党组织参与基本实现了全覆盖,党员参与率达到99.2%。各选举单位召开党委全体会议或党委(党组)扩大会议,以投票方式确定代表候选人预备人选(preliminary nominees)。除西藏、新疆经中央批准实行等额选举外,各选举单位召开党代表大会或党代表会议差额选举(competitive election)出席党的十九大代表,差额比例均多于15%(more than 15 percent of the preliminary nominees had been eliminated in each electoral unit during the process),符合中央要求。


Competitive election就是“差额选举”,即候选人名额多于应选代表名额的选举;与其相对的是single-candidate election(等额选举),也可以用non-competitive election表示。Secret ballot指“不记名投票”,也可以用anonymous ballot表示;disclosed ballot则是“记名投票”。

中央委员会候补委员(alternate members of the CPC Central Committee)和中央委员会委员(members of the CPC Central Committee)的任期同样是五年。当中央委员会委员出缺时,由中央委员会候补委员按照得票多少依次递补(fill the vacancy)。

报告说,参照十八大时的做法,中央确定了74名特邀代表(74 specially invited delegates)出席党的十九大,特邀代表享有代表同等权利(they would enjoy equal rights as elected delegates)。

中央决定,邀请党内有关负责同志和部分党外人士列席大会(non-voting participants)。列席大会的有:不是十九大代表的十八届中央委员会委员、候补委员(non-delegate members and alternate members of the 18th CPC Central Committee)和中央纪律检查委员会委员(non-delegate members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection),不是十九大代表、特邀代表的原中央顾问委员会委员(non-delegates nor specially invited delegates but former members of the Central Advisory Commission),以及其他有关同志,共405人。