英语听力汇总   |   十款网络产品隐私条款接受评审






China's messaging app WeChat, online retailer Taobao and mobile payment service Alipay have allowed users to delete their accounts on their platforms. (Photo/Xinhua)

Starting Sunday, users of Chinese online services including WeChat, Taobao and Alipay will be able to delete their accounts whenever they like.


The policy change came after the Cyberspace Administration of China's recent inspection of the privacy settings of online services and mobile apps.


隐私条款(privacy policy)是企业收集、使用、披露以及管理用户个人信息的公开声明(a statement that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data)。这里的用户个人信息(personal information)包括但不限于姓名、地址、婚姻状况、联系方式、身份证号、医疗记录、消费记录、出行记录等。

长期以来,网络运营者在提供产品和服务时,普遍存在隐私条款笼统不清(applying vague or esoteric language in privacy settings),不主动向用户展示隐私条款、展示的内容晦涩冗长,征求用户授权同意时存在“一揽子”打包授权(bundling various policies into one agreement)等,擅自扩大范围收集、使用个人信息,私自共享、转让个人信息(collecting, utilizing, sharing and even transferring users' personal information without consent)等问题。

此次评审首批选取了微信、新浪微博、淘宝网、京东商城、支付宝、高德地图、百度地图、滴滴出行、航旅纵横、携程网十款用户数量大(with large number of users)、与民众生活密切相关(closely linked to daily life)、社会关注度高(popular in the country)的产品和服务作为评审对象,由四部门推荐的法律、标准、技术专家和企业代表共同组成专家组进行评审。

评审结束后,十款产品和服务在隐私政策方面均有不同程度提升,均做到明示其收集、使用个人信息的规则(make the rules of collecting and using user's personal information transparent),并征求用户的明确授权。其中微信、淘宝网、支付宝、滴滴出行、京东商城、航旅纵横、百度地图、高德地图八款产品和服务做到了向用户主动提示、并提供更多选择权(extend user rights in personal information management)。

在满足以上功能的基础上,微信、淘宝网、支付宝、滴滴出行、京东商城五款产品和服务还提供更便利的在线“一站式”撤回和关闭授权,在线访问、更正、更新及删除其个人信息,在线注销账户等功能(customers are now allowed to review, edit, update and delete personal information, and to cancel their accounts anytime, from the services' websites)。


隐私设置 privacy settings

使用条款 terms and conditions

信息收集和使用 information collection & use

信息分享和披露 information sharing & disclosure

账户信息 account information