英语听力汇总   |   争入名校的“幼儿竞赛”






Rug-rat race refers to the intense pressure put on children to achieve early educational success, particularly as a prerequisite for eventually getting into an elite university.


Rug rat是俚语,指幼儿,在地上爬来爬去的宝宝,像不像“地毯老鼠”?而rat race指激烈的竞争,这个用法就是这样组合而来的。

This striving is necessarily, and worryingly, inegalitarian. Parental investment in children’s education is an arms race in which poorer families cannot hope to keep pace. Richer, better-educated families can call on many more assets in helping struggling students or providing enriching résumé-building material.


The more the rug-rat race leads parents to withdraw their children from public-school systems, the worse this trend becomes.


Increased scarcity of college slots appears to have induced heightened rivalry among parents, taking the form of more hours spent on college preparatory activities. In other words, the rise in childcare time resulted from a “rug rat race” for admission to good colleges.


A lot of British children aren’t in this rug-rat race. Children enter schools at age 5, when compulsory schooling starts. More than 90% of children in Britain attend schools that are run by the state and don’t charge tuition.
