英语听力汇总   |   一周热词榜(8.13-19)





1. 量子卫星

quantum satellite



The first batch of data from the world's first quantum satellite "Micius" was received by Chinese scientists, the Chinese Academy of Sciences said Thursday.


据中科院(the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS)介绍,17日11时56分24秒,中科院遥感与数字地球研究所(the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth)所属中国遥感卫星地面站(the China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station)密云站在第23圈次成功跟踪、接收到量子卫星(quantum satellite)"墨子号"首轨数据,并将所接收的卫星数据(satellite data)实时传送至中科院国家空间科学中心(be transferred to the National Space Science Center under the CAS)。"墨子号"首轨任务时长约7分钟,接收数据量(the amount of data received)约202MB。经验证,卫星数据质量良好(be in good quality)。除了密云站,中国遥感卫星地面站的喀什站和三亚站也将负责跟踪、接收"墨子号"传回的数据(track and receive data from "Micius")。

16日1时40分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心(Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center)用长征二号丁运载火箭(carrier rocket)成功将世界首颗量子卫星"墨子号"发射升空,向建造几乎不可破解的天基量子通信网络(space-based quantum communications network)迈出了第一步。量子卫星的真正身份仍然是通信卫星(communications satellite),唯一不同的是,它靠量子来传递信息,可以向外发射量子。这颗重631公斤的卫星以我国古代哲学家、科学家墨子命名(be named after the ancient Chinese philosopher and scientist Micius),墨子被誉为历史上进行光学试验的第一人(the first person in history to conduct optical experiments)。

"墨子号"将在距地球表面500公里的高空运行(operate 500 km above the Earth's surface)至少两年时间。在此期间,"墨子号"将进行四大实验任务:星地高速量子密钥分发实验(experiment on high-speed quantum key distribution from space to earth)、广域量子通信网络实验(wide-area quantum communications network experiment)、星地量子纠缠分发实验(experiment on distribution of quantum entanglement from space to earth)、地星量子隐形传态实验(experiment on quantum teleportation from earth to space)。


遥感卫星 remote-sensing satellite

北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou navigation system

对地观测卫星 Earth observation satellite

光学成像卫星 optical imaging satellite

地球同步轨道 geosynchronous orbit

高分辨率 high resolution

监测精度 monitoring precision

2. 深港通

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect



"Preparation for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect has been generally completed and the State Council has approved the implementation plan for the program," Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday at a State Council executive meeting.


深港通是深港股票市场交易互联互通机制的简称,指深圳证券交易所(Shenzhen Stock Exchange)和香港联合交易所有限公司(The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd)建立技术连接,使内地和香港投资者(mainland and Hong Kong investors)可以通过当地证券公司或经纪商(local security firms or brokers)买卖规定范围内的对方交易所上市的股票,包括深股通以及深港通下的港股通两部分,对应的英文表达是Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect。深圳证券交易所拥有1800家上市公司(listed companies),总市值(combined market capitalization)达3.2万亿美元。

根据中国证监会(the China Securities Regulatory Commission)与香港证监会(the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission)共同签署的深港通《联合公告》,深港通不再设总交易额度限制(overall trading quota)。深港通每日额度(daily quota)与沪港通现行标准一致(be the same as that under Shanghai-HK Stock Connect),即北向每日额度130亿元人民币,南向每日额度105亿元人民币。双方可根据实际运营情况(in light of actual operational performance)对投资额度(investment quota)进行调整。此前实行的沪港通5500亿元的总额度也取消。

深港通开通后,内地与香港之间的股票市场交易互联互通机制将包括沪股通、沪港通下的港股通、深股通、深港通下的港股通四个部分。深股通的股票范围是市值(market value)60亿元人民币及以上的深证成份指数和深证中小创新指数的成份股(constituent stocks of the Shenzhen Component Index and Shenzhen Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index)以及深圳证券交易所上市的A+H股公司(Shenzhen-listed companies with both A and H shares)股票。深港通下的港股通的股票范围(the scope of eligible shares/stocks)是恒生综合大型股指数的成份股、恒生综合中型股指数的成份股(constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index and Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index)、市值50亿元港币及以上的恒生综合小型股指数(the Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index)的成份股以及香港联合交易所上市的A+H股公司股票。


互联互通机制 connectivity mechanism

资本市场 capital market

证券投资基金 security investment fund

信息披露 information disclosure

抛售 sell-off

做空 short-selling

做多 going-long

3. 规范房地产中介

regulate real estate agencies


Chinese authorities have unveiled guidelines to further regulate real estate agencies, which have become a major source of customer complaints due to misleading information.


16日,住房和城乡建设部(the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)、国家发改委(the National Development and Reform Commission)、工信部(the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)、中国人民银行(the People's Bank of China)、国家税务总局(the State Administration of Taxation)、国家工商总局(the State Administration for Industry and Commerce)、中国银监会(the China Banking Regulatory Commission)七部门联合印发了《关于加强房地产中介管理促进行业健康发展的意见》。

针对当前部分中介机构和从业人员(real estate agencies and agents)发布虚假房源(advertize false housing information)、隐瞒房屋存在抵押等信息、强制代办收费等问题,意见要求各地中介机构全面实行房源信息核验(housing information verification)制度,中介机构应编制房屋状况说明书(housing condition statement),标明房源核验情况、房地产中介服务编号、房屋坐落(location)、面积(floor space)、产权状况(condition of property rights)、挂牌价格(list price)、物业服务费(property management fees)、房屋图片等。对已出售或出租的房屋(houses that are sold or rented out),中介机构要在房屋买卖或租赁合同(rental contract)签订之日起2个工作日内,将房源信息撤除(remove the information)。中介机构不得为不符合交易条件的保障性住房(indemnificatory housing)和禁止交易的房屋提供中介服务,各地要全面实行交易合同网上签约,防止"一房两卖"。

针对越来越多的中介机构与金融机构建立业务合作关系(establish business partnership with financial institutions),意见要求中介机构提供住房贷款(housing loans)代办服务的,应由委托人自主选择金融机构,不得将金融服务与其他服务捆绑(be bundled with other services)。此外,意见还明确要求,各地应尽快推行中介从业人员实名制(real-name system);应建立多部门联动机制,建立严重失信主体"黑名单"制度(establish a blacklist of those who have seriously damaged their credibility),对严重失信的机构和从业人员,联合实施市场和行业禁入措施。


去库存 destock/reduce housing inventories

房屋限购 home buying restrictions

潜在买家 prospective buyer

凶宅 unlucky abode

首付 down payment

按揭利率 mortgage rate

4. 奥运资格遭取消

be disqualified from the Olympics


Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyi was disqualified from the Olympic Games for having failed doping tests, the Court of Arbitration for Sport said on Thursday.


18日,中国体育代表团(the Chinese sports delegation)正式收到国际体育仲裁法庭(the Court of Arbitration for Sport)关于我国游泳运动员陈欣怡兴奋剂阳性(positive doping test)的处罚决定,正式确认陈欣怡7日里约奥运会赛内兴奋剂检查(doping test during the Rio Games)氢氯噻嗪阳性(a positive result for hydrochlorothiazide)为兴奋剂违规(anti-doping rule violation),并给予运动员取消里约奥运会资格(be disqualified from the Rio Olympic Games)的处罚。中国游泳协会(the Chinese Swimming Association)尊重国际体育仲裁法庭做出的判罚决定,并将对陈欣怡兴奋剂阳性事件展开彻底调查(launch a thorough investigation )和依法依规(in accordance with laws and regulations)作出处理。国际体育仲裁法庭还表示,里约奥运会之后的处罚将交由国际泳联决定(it is up to the International Swimming Federation to decide on the athlete's punishments following the Rio Games)。

7日,陈欣怡在女子100米蝶泳决赛中名列第四(finish fourth in the women's 100m butterfly final)。被查出A瓶氢氯噻嗪阳性后,陈欣怡自愿接受暂时禁赛(accept a provisional suspension),并向国际奥委会提交了B瓶检测和召开听证会的申请(apply to the International Olympic Committee for testing of sample B and a hearing to look into the matter)。氢氯噻嗪属于掩蔽剂(masking agent)、利尿剂(diuretic),可以用于减肥(can be used for weight loss),在兴奋剂检查中可以通过稀释尿液,从而遮蔽其他违禁药品(cover up the presence of other prohibited drugs by diluting one's urine in doping tests)。年仅18岁的陈欣怡是中国游泳队的新星(a rising star in the Chinese swimming team)。在去年的喀山游泳世锦赛上(at the 2015 World Aquatics Championship in Kazan),她代表中国队参加了女子4x100米混合泳接力(women's 4x100m medley relay)预赛。2014年仁川亚运会上,她曾获得50米自由泳、100米蝶泳两块金牌(win gold at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games in the 50m freestyle, 100m butterfly)。


提高比赛成绩的药品 performance-enhancing drugs

反兴奋剂工作 anti-doping campaign

兴奋剂丑闻 doping scandal

兴奋剂违规禁赛 doping ban

违禁药品 banned/prohibited substances

5. 单独重赛

re-race alone, solo re-run


China unfortunately lost the chance to enter the women's 4x100m final at Rio Olympics after the US successfully appealed its chance to re-race alone on Thursday morning local time.


在里约奥运会田径女子4x100接力预赛(women's 4x100m relay prelims)中,美国队二棒费利克斯在第二次交接时掉棒(bungled the second baton exchange),导致成绩无效。赛后,美国队申诉要求重跑(team USA petitioned for a re-run),费利克斯称,她与队友准备交接棒时,旁边一位巴西选手的肘部碰到了她(a Brazilian sprinter elbowed her as she was making a baton pass to her teammate)。

慢镜头回放显示,巴西选手准备接棒时已经处于其赛道边缘(the edge of her lane),她甩出的胳膊肘撞到了费利克斯的胳膊(she swung an elbow out that hit Felix in the arm)。赛会由此认定美国队的申诉有效,国际田联(International Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF)允许美国队在当日晚上7点单独重赛(re-run alone)。美国队单独重跑成绩为41秒77,将原先以42秒70的成绩排在决赛名单最后一位的中国队挤掉(send China out of the original finalists among which its result of 42.70 seconds was placed last),晋级决赛。

中国田径队对国际田联的决定表示抗议(protest against the decision),两次提出申诉(appeal)。中国队认为,允许美国队单独重跑非常不公平,因为单独赛跑的比赛环境与预赛时完全不同,且无权取消中国队的决赛资格,因为中国队是通过正常的预赛晋级的。中国因此要求9支队伍入围决赛,并提议决赛分两组进行(request 9 teams to jointly qualify and run in two groups for the final)。然而,中国队的申诉被国际田联驳回(be rejected by the IAAF),中国队称尊重最后的结果。


田径 track and field

十项全能 decathlon

跨栏赛跑 hurdles

接力赛跑 relay (race)

犯规 foul

6. 倒票

ticket scalping


Patrick Hickey, a senior member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has temporarily stood down from all his roles after his arrest in Rio over allegations of Olympic ticket scalping.


现年71岁的希基是爱尔兰奥林匹克理事会(Olympic Council of Ireland, OCI)主席以及欧洲奥委会(European Olympic Committees, EOC)主席,自2012年起在国际奥委会执委会中任职(serve on the IOC executive board since 2012)。近日,希基在其下榻的酒店被巴西警方逮捕。警方表示,他参与了高价倒卖奥运门票的活动(be involved in a scheme to resell Olympic tickets at higher than their face value),倒票活动的利润可能达310万美元。

爱尔兰广播电视台报道称,目前希基面临协助倒票(facilitate ticket scalping)、票务垄断(form a cartel)、非法营销(illicit marketing)等多项指控。里约的侦查人员表示,如果上述罪名成立(if these allegations are confirmed),希基将面临7年的牢狱之灾。不过上周在接受爱尔兰广播电视台采访时,希基否认了一切与门票倒卖相关的不正当行为(Hickey denied any wrongdoing in relation to ticket sales)。

爱尔兰奥林匹克理事会在一份声明中表示,"事情完全解决之前(until this matter is fully resolved)",希基将被停职(be suspended),并将继续配合与协助所有调查(continue to co-operate and assist with all enquiries)。希基的欧洲奥委会主席职位将由副主席亚内兹·科斯亚奇克接任(Hickey will be replaced as EOC president by his deputy Janez Kocijancic)。国际奥委会表示,会配合警方的所有调查(cooperate with any police investigation),并强调在证明希基有犯罪行为前,他应被视为无罪的(stress that Hickey should be presumed innocent until proved otherwise)。


黄牛 scalper

票务代理 ticket agent

亚运会 the Asian Games

冬奥会 the Winter Olympic Games

申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games