英语听力汇总   |   专属于自己的me time





专属于自己的me time

Me time is a term which has been popularized by all forms of the media geared towards issues of female interest, in particular women's magazines. The idea is that, amidst the stress of 21st century life, a woman finds it increasingly difficult to spend time which is exclusively for her and is not encroached upon by the non-stop demands of work and family.

Me time 是通过各类关注女性权益话题的媒体,特别是女性杂志,迅速窜红的一个说法。它传递的思想是,在21世纪的生活压力下,女性想要有一段时间可以专属于自己,并且免受工作和家庭中无休止的任务摆布,是越来越困难了。

Me time, then, is a period of time when a woman can put herself first and do something that she particularly enjoys to aid relaxation and revitalization. This might be as simple as having a bubble bath or sitting down with a cup of tea, or going on a trip to the gym or a weekend away.

Me time就是一段可以让女性把自己放在首位,可以做一些自己喜欢的事情来放松自己并帮助自己重新焕发活力的时间。这段时间可做的事情可以是一次泡泡浴或者坐下来喝杯茶这样简单的小事,也可以是去健身房锻炼或者周末出行这样的活动