英语听力汇总   |   国有资产成“唐僧肉”






Something much-coveted, or "the flesh of a Tang Dynasty monk", refers to a big bonus or benefit that is pursued at any cost. In an article published by the Communist Party of China's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on its website on Monday, the top discipline watchdog pointed out, that because of loose supervision, the officials managing some State-owned enterprises regard the companies as such "monk flesh".


唐僧肉,按照字面意思可表达为the flesh of a Tang Dynasty monk,意译为something much-coveted。在小说《西游记》(Journey to the West)中,唐僧肉被认为食用后可以长生不老(the monk' s flesh will make the eater immortal),故被各种妖怪垂涎,由此引申为可以带来巨大好处和利益,因而受到众人追捧,甚至不惜一切代价取得的事物。

文章称,国有企业是推进国家现代化、保障人民共同利益的重要力量(SOEs are an important power driving the modernization of the country and safeguarding the people's interests)。有些企业决策成了一把手的“一言堂”(only the leaders of the SOEs have the say)、分管领导的“自留地”(lower-level officials have their own "private plots");对资产和资金疏于管理,国有财产成了被少数人瓜分的“唐僧肉”;招标采购等制度没有严格执行(the purchasing by invitation to bid has not been strictly implemented),有人借重组改制之机混水摸鱼,捞取个人利益。