英语听力汇总   |   抗战胜利70周年纪念标识发布






A logo marking the 70th anniversary of the end of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) and the end of World War II has been revealed by the Chinese government.


这里logo 就是标识,来源于希腊语 logos,是logotype的缩写,可以是纯粹的图形,也可以是图形与文字标识(word mark)的组合。

该标识以数字“70”,时间“1945-2015”,和平鸽,以及“V”字的长城图案( V-shaped Great Wall)为设计元素,体现对中国人民抗日战争(Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression)暨世界反法西斯战争(the World War II)胜利的庆祝,亦代表中华民族组成的钢铁长城,共同抗敌。

图案上方为五只和平鸽由远及近展翅飞翔,表现对历史的纪念、对和平的向往(demonstrate the memory of history and the aspirations for peace),也象征五大洲人民团结一心,在血与火的洗礼后重生,携手前行,共创美好未来(represent people from the five continents who are united and moving together toward a beautiful future after going through blood and fire)。

飞翔的和平鸽也表达了全国各族人民在中国共产党的领导下,承载着中华民族伟大复兴的使命飞向未来(the Chinese people flying to a future of great rejuvenation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China)。

该标识不能用作商标(trade marks)或用作商业用途(commercial purposes)。