英语听力汇总   |   无奈的“万能居委会”






  Journalists visited a universal neighborhood committee in Xi'an, Shaanxi, and found it was entrusted to issue more than 100 certificates, including authorities from public security, education, judiciary, civil affairs and real estate departments.


  地方行政机构(administrative departments)要求居委会开设的证明五花八门,其中不乏“证明你妈是你妈”、“证明你家有多少钱”等等。不仅给群众办事增加难度(bring difficulties to the residents),也给居委会增加了沉重负担(place a tremendous workload on local neighborhood committees)。

  严格说来,居委会只是“基层群众性自治组织”(local autonomous institution),既无执法权,也无调查权(has no rights of law enforcement or investigation)。也就是说,居委会的盖章不具法律效力(is not legally valid)。

  “万能居委会”反映出地方政府官僚主义繁文缛节依然严重(expose the severity of the problem of excessive red tape),这与中央政府提出的简政方针背道而驰(against the principle of streamlining administration promoted by the central government)。