英语听力汇总   |   庆安官场被“链式举报”





A man named Xu Chunhe was shot dead by a local policeman at the railway station in Qing'an, Heilongjiang because he caused disorder after drinking and had a fight with the policeman. The incident raised wide public concern, and during the investigation there was a chain of tip-offs about the illegal practices of local officials.


打死徐纯合的一枪成为了庆安官场地震的导火索(The fatal shooting of Xu Chunhe was the trigger for an "earthquake" in local official circles)。庆安县副县长董国生年龄、学历造假(fabricate academic credentials )和妻子吃空饷(freeloading)的违法行为东窗事发,已被停职(has been suspended)。还有人举报当地大批官员涉嫌买卖教师编制(buy and sell officially budgeted teacher posts)。

不能否认,徐纯合事件客观上推动了对当地官员的反腐调查进程(accelerated the anti-corruption campaign)。它将公众注意力引到了庆安这个县城,舆论聚光灯照射之下,当地官场的一举一动自然备受关注(under scrutinizing eyes)。

但针对庆安官员的举报一起接一起,却也表明当地长年积累下来的问题之多,也说明了当地对群众举报(public tip-offs)、信访(petitioning)的处理仍存在弊端。