英语听力汇总   |   落马贪官“卸妆照”





When Liao Shaohua, the former Party chief of Zunyi city, Guizhou province, appeared in court recently on charges of corruption and abusing power, the public was surprised by the huge change in his appearance. Instead of his previously well-dressed and healthy image, he looked haggard and dispirited. The photo of his appearance in court looked like a photo of him without makeup.


不仅廖少华展示了他的“卸妆照(photo without makeup)”,贪官们受审时的憔悴样子已让人屡见不鲜(not uncommon)了,无论这些人曾经多么神气活现不可一世(swaggering and arrogant)。或许他们是真的对当初的所作所为感到后悔,但也许从某种程度上说,这也是他们装可怜博同情(to win sympathy)的一种手段。

党政干部应该以贪官“卸妆照”警示自己——权力(power)就像化妆师一样能轻易改变他们(transform officials)。一方面,我们应该加强防腐(corruption prevention)和监督机制(mechanism),另一方面,各级官员也应该从“老虎们”的卸妆照上吸取教训(draw a lesson):任何违反党纪国法(Party's rules and the nation's law)的官员最终都将是这个落寞下场(end up in disgrace)。