英语听力汇总   |   “可爱回应”不只属于成年人!





  成年人对于婴儿,不管是出现在照片上还是自己家或者别人家的,都会有积极的回应,和TA说话时声音会变奶,心理年龄也瞬间降低,如果这个小孩长得再可爱一点,那他们仿佛心都化了,舍不得离开,这种现象就叫做cute response(可爱回应)。

  Cute response is that humans are hardwired to prefer babies whether they are in the photo or in real life.


  Cuteness isn’t something that only adults can identify, children as young as three can also recognize adorable features. Even before they start school, children rate puppies, kittens and babies as 'cuter' than their adult counterparts, according to a recent study. And apparently, in young children, the faces of dogs are thought of more fondly than that of humans and cats.


  It found that cuteness is wrapped up in what psychologists call ‘cute response’ - a set of infantile features such as a round face, high forehead, big eyes and a small nose and mouth. Cute response has been shown to stimulate protective, care-giving behavior and reduced aggression in adults.
