英语听力汇总   |    你是“时尚女王”还是“时尚平民”?





  也许她并不是天生丽质,但她却很会穿衣服,每次在大街上回头率都很高,这种衣着品味极佳的人被称作“时尚女王”,但是更多的人则是fashion civilian(时尚平民),经常觉得自己找不到漂亮衣服穿。

  Fashion queen is a person who knows how to dress to her strength and cleverly distracting from the weaknesses, who knows how to style clothes and knows what kind of dresses can make her look great. Therefore, fashion queen always looks fabulous.


  Quite the contrary, fashion civilian is a person whose fashion sense is not so good. She may have a full wardrobe, but few of the clothes look good on her. She often feels that she could not find a thing to wear.
