英语听力汇总   |   “森女”英文怎么说





还在讨论“宅女”、“鱼干女”吗?那你就out啦。现在在时尚界大行其道的是“森林系女孩”,简称“森女”,她们享受当下的幸福,不崇尚名牌,衣着有如走出森林的自然风格。记住哦,她们的英文名字叫做mori girl。


Mori girl is buzzword originated from a social networking website in Japan two years ago, referring to women in their 20s who pursue a simple and natural lifestyle. Mori in Japanese means "forest" and a Mori girl is a girl who looks like she lives in forests.

“森女”是两年前源于日本一个社交网站的流行语,指二十多岁,追求简单、自然的生活方式的女孩子。在日语里,mori是“森林”的意思,那么“森女”(Mori girl)就是指看似生活在森林里的女子。

You might have seen her dressed in earthy colors that attest to an artistic sensibility at one with nature. She's part Little Red Ridinghood (although she prefers dark blue, dark green or bordeaux brown to bright red), part Marie Antoinette pastoral fantasy, part Alice in Wonderland.
