英语听力汇总   |   曼联重获欧洲收入最高足球俱乐部桂冠





Manchester United may have lost its place at the summit of the English Premier League in recent years, but it has returned to the top of the annual ranking of Europe’s richest football clubs for the first time in more than a decade.

曼联(Manchester United)可能在最近几年的英超联赛(English Premier League)上失去了顶级俱乐部的位置,但它夺回了欧洲最富足球俱乐部年度排行榜的榜首,这是十多年来的首次。

曼联(Manchester United)

According to Deloitte’s annual “money league” report, which analyses the accounts of the continent’s highest-earning clubs, Manchester United achieved record revenues of €689m in the 2015-16 season. The English club supplanted Spain’s Real Madrid, which had led the rankings for the previous 11 seasons but has slipped to third place, behind domestic rival FC Barcelona.

由德勤(Deloitte)编制的年度“足球财富排行榜”报告显示——该报告对欧洲收入最高足球俱乐部的财务进行分析——曼联在2015年至2016年赛季获得了创纪录的6.89亿欧元收入。曼联取代西班牙的皇家马德里(Real Madrid),成为欧洲最富有的足球俱乐部。在过去11个赛季蝉联该榜单首位的皇家马德里如今滑落至第三名,落后于其国内竞争对手巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(FC Barcelona)。

The three clubs have held the top three spots in the rankings in its 20-year history. Each reaped more than €600m in revenues last season, the first year in which any club has surpassed that figure.


“Every year we get asked, ‘Is the bubble bursting in football?’,” said Dan Jones, partner in the Deloitte’s sports business group. “But we have always felt there has been room for growth.

德勤体育事业群合伙人丹•琼斯(Dan Jones)表示:“每年我们都会被问道,‘足球的泡沫会破裂吗?’但我们总是感觉还有增长空间。”

“The real question is, how fast will that growth be? Twenty years ago it would have been hard to envisage clubs achieving €600m in revenues. Now, we have clubs saying they want to achieve €1bn in revenues. I don’t think that’s an unrealistic goal.”


Manchester United’s rise is largely the result of a €100m increase in commercial revenues, achieved through sponsorship deals, as well as continued growth in income from broadcast rights and match-day takings.


Last season, its players began to wear Adidas jerseys after the German sportswear giant secured a 10-year kit deal worth £750m with the club in 2014. Over the past year, Manchester United has also secured a diverse range of corporate tie-ups, including “global partnerships” with India’s Apollo Tyres, US taxi app group Uber, and Chinese mattress maker Mlily.

在2014年德国运动服装巨头阿迪达斯(Adidas)与曼联签署价值7.5亿英镑的10年期球衣与装备赞助协议之后,曼联球员在上个赛季开始穿上阿迪达斯的球衣。过去一年,曼联还达成了一系列企业合作,包括与印度阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres)、美国出租车应用公司优步(Uber)以及中国床垫制造商梦百合(Mlily)建立了“全球合作伙伴关系”。

But poor football results could see the club quickly cede its place atop football’s rich list. Manchester United qualified for the Uefa Champions League last season, which provided another boost to its income, but the team has failed to qualify for Europe’s most prestigious club tournament this season. Meanwhile, Real Madrid won last year’s trophy and is performing well in this season’s competition.

但曼联比赛成绩不佳,可能很快丢掉最富足球俱乐部的桂冠。曼联在上个赛季获得了欧冠联赛(Uefa Champions League)的参赛资格——这又为其收入提供了助力——但它在本赛季未能获得这项欧洲最负盛名的俱乐部锦标赛的资格。与此同时,皇家马德里赢得了去年的冠军奖杯,并在本赛季表现出色。

The rankings also emphasise the growing financial might of English clubs compared to their continental rivals. Eight Premier League teams make the top 20, with Leicester City joining the list for the first time after the club’s unlikely league title victory last season.

排行榜也突显出英格兰俱乐部与欧洲大陆竞争对手相比日益增长的财务实力。8家英超球队进入欧洲收入最高前20名的俱乐部之列,在上赛季意外夺得英超冠军之后,莱斯特城(Leicester City)首次杀入前20名。

All Premier League clubs have been boosted by a £5.1bn domestic broadcasting deal with Sky and BT Sport for the next three seasons, an increase of £600m compared with the previous contract. Deloitte predicts the massive television deal, as well as a further £3bn gained through overseas rights deals, could see all 20 Premier League clubs included within the top 30 highest-earning clubs in Europe next season.

英超与天空电视台(Sky)和BT Sport签署了今后3个赛季价值51亿英镑的国内转播协议(比之前的合同高6亿英镑),这提升了所有英超俱乐部的收入。德勤预测,高额的电视协议加上海外转播协议带来的30亿英镑收入,可能让20家英超俱乐部在下赛季全部进入欧洲收入最高的30家俱乐部之列。

In recent years, interest in the game, particularly in the top leagues of England, Spain, Germany, Italy and France, has led to larger contracts with broadcasters and sponsors, and higher gate receipts at stadiums. Last season, the combined revenue for the top 20 clubs in Europe rose 12 per cent to €7.4bn.
