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  In remarkable North Atlantic Bermuda area, there is a well-known mysterious triangle area, said the "devil's triangle". Over the past hundred years, there occurred repeatedly, mysterious shipwreck accident, shocked the world.


  Liner, cargo vessel, sailing boats and warships and submarines and aircraft, they in the oblivious, in a short few seconds will disappear without a trace. The contact with their radio suddenly interrupted, can neither find the wreckage, nor found the body, they seem to melt in the ocean. According to incomplete statistics, since the 30 twentieth Century, there are more than 240 kinds of crash occurred here, nearly 2000 people were killed.


  Over the years, the mystery of the "devil's triangle" crash Bermuda sinking has been unsolved, caused international society great unease, attracted the attention of scientists. In order to crack the mystery of the death of Bermuda, scientists combined with many evidence and objective facts, and through a variety of reasonable inference gives thirteen amazing explanation!


  1 rocks


  Some people think that the accident is due to ship, ran aground.


  But according to the detection, Bermuda waters of the Cordillera, the highest above sea also more than 60 meters, so the possibility of running aground can be said to be non-existent. What's more, the fact that the plane is wrecked in the air?


  "Death Bermuda" hurricane said


  2 is the wind said


  It has been proposed that such a hypothesis: the Bermuda Triangle, very close to the equator, closer to the distance from the equator area, the change in the weather is fiercer. The cold air from the north is the same as the heat flow of the equator at a hundred mu..


  Triangle meet, because of the air pressure difference is very big, so easy to form a cyclone, under such conditions, even in cloudless weather is excellent, suddenly deteriorated and blowing cyclone to, the drastic changes in the weather is very difficult to pre side to.


  As a result, the ship or aircraft that is sailing here will suffer.. The weather has little change, and if it happens on the sea, it will not be easy to find the coast..


  3 tornado said


  Some people believe that this place often happen waterspout, it is a disaster weather, is due to cold and warm air flow suddenly meet in strong sunlight formation of rotary flow, i.e., cyclone, strong cyclone called "tornado".


  "Tornado" occurred in the land called tornado occurred at sea, called Dragon roll. When the ship and the aircraft encountered a tornado, the natural will be swept away. A hurricane has encountered in the Bermuda Triangle sea captain said: "at that time, the face of the sea can be said to be unspeakable. Waves roll, you will encounter two, 30 meter high wall of water upright toward you down, perhaps at the ships got caught in a riptide is struggling. " This description is a horrible scene encountered wind.


  A in the Bermuda Triangle sea disappearances lucky to survive the sailors, but also about the thrilling was encountered when the storm scene: in March 1973, a vessel with a displacement for 13000 tons of coal ship, to sail to the New Jersey State Maiyin 150 nautical miles southeast of the island at the missing.


  Tornado said


  In the rescue search, the angle runs 300 nautical miles east of the island, found a black sailor riding drifting on a piece of wood. According to him, their ship was caught in a strong storm, the hatch is the wind blown off, sea water flooded the hold, just five minutes later, the ship sank, in addition to the black sailors, all the people are buried at sea.


  According to the above two descriptions, estimated that only waterspout will have such a huge destructive force. So the ships at sea, if you encounter a waterspout is difficult to survive. Of course, this weather must be accidental. It can not be regarded as the cause of all the crash..


  4 seawater whirlpool said


  Another alternative to the phenomenon of Bermuda's strange phenomenon is the magnetic flux of the sea.. According to the space satellite, the Bermuda sea has seen a huge whirlpool, experts, this giant sea water swirl such as a huge concave lens. When the sunlight is sufficient (general things are calm after suddenly mopped up the high seas) and vortex formation, it will reflect the sun's light and focus on a point, when a plane at this time through the "water mirror" focus, will have a trace, ships encounter will also suffer.


  Soviet physicists do an interesting experiment, they in a bathtub Sheng filled with water, then stir with wooden sticks the water swirls, and then of a beam of light to 60 to 70 degrees of incident angle shooting people, at this moment, the miracle: a deserts in the bath tissue, instant combustion.


  This is the focus of the burning substance using a concave mirror. Scientists speculate that if the diameter of the vortex as I km, the sun poly focus diameter is more than 1 meter, temperature can reach tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, and the devil's triangle vortex diameter mostly 200 kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers, long service life of more than 60 days. Focus diameter of up to a few hundred meters thousands of meters, the temperature to the unfortunate venture into the aircraft, ship instantly melting, even slightly near, can also cause an explosion and combustion.


  This hypothesis seems to have some truth, but why a little residue no? Why the magnetic anomaly? Vortex is why? What are the conditions, the hypothesis itself did not give a full explanation, this hypothesis seems to reveal some phenomena and not fully reveal the essence.


  5 anti cyclone and sinking vortex said


  There are people who believe that there are anti cyclones and sinking vortex in the Bermuda Triangle, which is also the cause of the ship, the crash of the ship. The anti - cyclone can form a powerful vortex in the water to get the ship, the plane and so on..


  It is a hydrologist said. Coast of Puerto Rico in the north wind in winter and intense period, due to the effects of internal waves, from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea to produce a powerful downward currents, like an undersea falls, the current velocity sometimes fast, forming a huge whirlpool, like a huge funnel, the vessel through here all of a sudden sucked in.


  Anti cyclone and sinking vortex said


  6 nature laser said


  It has been suggested that the wonderful event in the Bermuda Triangle may be a phenomenon of natural laser.


  Laser technology is an active science and technology which developed in the sixty's in twentieth Century.. The laser is the electrons in the electrons in the higher energy orbit in the electrons emitted by the light emitting material atoms, and is forced to jump to the lower orbit with the stimulation of certain outside incident light..


  Nature laser said


  By stimulating the emitted light, the laser is called. Although laser is a kind of light, but it is different from ordinary light, it has many characteristics. For example, a laser with high brightness and high directivity, it can to light in time and space are highly concentrated, resulting in up to tens of millions of degrees above the temperature, can make a kind of any material is a wisp of "smoke" in the blink of an eye. This is the greatest laser power. The laser is emitted from the laser emitter..


  These people believe that the Bermuda Triangle sea, ship, plane crash often occur in sunny weather, is because in the cloudless sky, the sun is a powerful laser radiation source, calm sea and atmosphere upper like two huge mirrors, high-altitude strong gas flow plays an operating mechanism, these conditions constitute a huge laser transmitter, it can emit huge laser beam, have a strong power.


  Laser radiation can cause local area of the sudden change in the weather, rising sea fog, the churning of the sea, storm, radio communication by serious interference phenomenon, sailing ships or aircraft if into the laser beam, will be turned into a wisp of smoke.


  7 submarine crack said


  The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is also a great interest to the earth physicists.. Some physicists believe that the reasons for the occurrence of strange events in the Bermuda Triangle area and the seabed terrain related. They imagine the seabed in the region, and there may be wide cracks in the crust.. The internal part is due to crustal high liquid magma, heavy liquid magma in the core in the "floating" movement.


  Under the gravitation of the sun and the moon. The core tend toward a direction of the earth's crust is weak. Strong pressure to the pressure of molten magma to the crust cracks or openings. And lava erupted from the place out, this is a volcanic eruption and orogeny. The local nuclear receded, the crust often caved in, can sometimes have a "suction effect".


  If there are cracks or openings in the seabed, there will be a volcanic eruption or tsunami in the seabed.. The local nuclear receded, a lot of water will be sucked into the seabed of the crack at a high speed. Thus, it produces very wind and storm, perhaps this is the ship plane crash of a factor.


  It is argued that in ocean crust cracks continue to emerge in large amount of gas dissolved in seawater, the bottom layer of the ocean contains large amounts of gas water is upper water heavy pressure, as if a bottle is the lid tightly covered soda. Once the upper ocean pressure decreases, as the soda bottle open, large amounts of gas water desperately rushed up the lower.


  And so the bubble of the rising, if the vessel passed through the worst of the bubble, will be in the bubble sink. And when the bubble burst out of the sea. It will form a boundless white fog, the plane flew into the fog, nature will be lost, falling into the sea.


  Argument about the cracks in the earth's crust of stomach qi, and cannot explain the ship and aircraft navigation equipment failure phenomenon, and why would vagrant empty boat on the sea. This may only cause the Bermuda Triangle ship, the crash one of the factors.


  8 water bridge said


  According to the thought of the Bermuda Triangle sea, there is a different direction on the surface of the sea tide surging undercurrent. Because, in the southeast of the Pacific, the coast of St., found the wreckage of the missing vessel in Bermuda.


  Of course, this is only to get this undercurrent of wreckage to Santa Du island. When the two tide, when a conflict occurs, is when the shipwreck. And after the occurrence of a shipwreck, the wreck of the ship is the undercurrent of drag in the distance, which is why at the crash site couldn't find the wrecked ship.


  9 cat said


  Clear air turbulence is a very special wind. This wind is born in the high altitude, when the wind speed to reach a certain intensity, will produce the angle of the angle of the wind change phenomenon.


  Change the direction of the wind come unexpectedly, often accompanied by the emergence of the infrasound, called "cavitation". The plane touched it and it was violent.. Of course, when the plane was badly torn, the plane was torn to pieces by it..


  10 black hole said


  Black hole is the object of the stars, those of the late constant star with the high magnetic field density of the phenomenon of the phenomenon of magnetic super density. Although it can not see, but can swallow all the material.


  Many scholars have pointed out that the phenomenon of the phenomenon of the black hole of the universe appeared in the Bermuda Triangle, and it is hard to explain why it vanished without a trace..


  11 super time and space said


  1991, a Boeing 727 aircraft from the Northeast close to Miami Airport. The airport tower is tracking aircraft on the radar, the plane suddenly disappeared from the screen, 10 minutes after landing safely. Tower personnel check, found the watch and instrument of the crew on a timer, than the correct time 10 minutes late!


  Scientists believe that: magnetic vortex in the cave, multi-dimensional space and three-dimensional space of our presence intersection. There is intersection, so the ship into multidimensional space will disappear, some small intersections, after a short absence and went back to our space and time.


  12 moon gravity


  Some physicists believe that the days of the crash of planes and ships, the moon or the full moon (see the moon).


  At this time, the moon, the earth and the sun in a straight line, the largest tidal force, then cause the earth magnetic field disturbance, so that the aircraft navigation equipment failure, causing the crash.


  13 submarine large hole said


  Some geologists say too much, they think, under the Bermuda Triangle area has a large hole, water from here to flow into, across the American continent,. Then in the southeastern Pacific San Da Du island sea re emerge.


  Submarine large hole said