The comedian, who is also reportedly the inspiration for National Lampoon's Van Wilder, made a joke involving his bag of nicotine patches during the live show that he's relieved didn't make it to Netflix's edited version of The Tom Brady Roast. He explained the incident to Jimmy Kimmel while joining the host on his late-night show on Thursday.
据报道,这位喜剧演员也是《国家讽刺》(National Lampoon)的范·怀尔德(Van Wilder)的灵感来源,他在直播节目中开了一个玩笑,说自己的一袋尼古丁贴片没能上Netflix剪辑版的《汤姆·布雷迪烤肉》(The Tom Brady Roast),这让他松了一口气。他在周四的深夜节目中向吉米·金梅尔解释了这一事件。
Kreischer had his nicotine patches in a can in his pocket, but he was informed by the director of the roast that they were too distracting. "So I said, 'Okay, and I put them in a little bag,'" he recounted, only for the moment to then open him up for ridicule by comedian Sam Jay. "She started calling me a fake party animal, that I don't even do drugs, I'm not even dead like the best ones."
克雷舍把他的尼古丁贴片放在口袋里的一个罐子里,但吐槽导演告诉他,这些贴片太分散注意力了。“所以我说,‘好吧,我把它们放在一个小袋子里,’”他回忆道,只是这一刻让他受到了喜剧演员Sam Jay的嘲笑。“她开始称我为假派对动物,说我甚至不吸毒,我甚至不像最好的人那样死了。”
He continued, "So, I went into my pocket and pulled out my nicotine patches and I just wiggled them," which then prompted commentary from comedian Andrew Schulz. "Schulz goes, 'You got a bag of blow on you?' And the camera's on me in the Forum and the Forum goes nuts, like, 'This guy brought coke!'"
When Netflix edited together the roast, however, they cut the moment out of the broadcast, much to Kreischer's approval. "Tom comes back and tells me, 'You're about to go viral, everyone's going to think you're a cokehead,'" Kreischer told Kimmel. "But they edited it out thank God. I didn't want to have to deal with my daughters. I've been saying no pills, no powder for years and then dad's rolling in with half an eight-ball."
While Kreischer didn't go viral for the fake cocaine moment, he did make waves for footage of him mouthing along to a teleprompter during comic Tony Hinchliffe's set. Still, he's just happy that his own time at the mic went so well.