英语听力汇总   |   阿诺德·施瓦辛格与小罗伯特·唐尼在奥斯卡上关于“糟糕童年”的演讲





Arnold Schwarzenegger connected with Robert Downey Jr.'s Oscars speech about overcoming troubled pasts.

The actor, 76, and fellow action-star Sylvester Stallone sat down for a joint interview featured in the hour-long special TMZ Presents: Arnold & Sly: Rivals, Friends, Icons that aired April 23 on FOX.
这位76岁的演员和同为动作明星的西尔维斯特·史泰龙在4月23日在福克斯电视台播出的《TMZ Presents: Arnold & Sly: Rivals, Friends, Icons》长达一小时的特别节目中接受了联合采访。

One of the topics covered in the conversation, moderated by TMZ's Harvey Levin, was about the two actors' difficult childhoods.

Schwarzenegger said he identified with Downey's March 11 acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor, in which he acknowledged his "terrible childhood." The Oppenheimer actor began that speech, "I'd like to thank my terrible childhood and the Academy, in that order."

“I immediately could relate to that," said Schwarzenegger. "Because he went through trouble and pain — I don’t know exactly the story. But for him to thank his s----y upbringing means that it motivated him and kept him going into a different direction rather than staying in the s----y upbringing."

Elsewhere in the interview, Schwarzenegger recalled growing up in Austria with an abusive, alcoholic father, who was a war veteran left "angry" and with "a lot of pain."

"If I would’ve grown up like some people do with all the love in the world, I would’ve never left home," the Terminator star said of his perspective now. "I would’ve stayed in Austria. It’s not the kind of life that would have made me happy. … I think what drove me was I had such a need to create my own world; I had to get out of that misery at home."

"It was a blessing in a way," he added.

Stallone later said to Schwarzenegger, "You and I had no choice. We were gonna do something. You escaped into body-building, I escaped to the theatrics because I wasn’t too happy with the reality. I said, ‘This is my world because I don’t like this one.' "

Downey, in his Best Supporting Actor acceptance speech, also thanked his wife Susan, saying, "She found me, a snarling rescue pet, and loved me back to life. That's why I am here. Thank you."