Drake Bell has nothing but praise for Amanda Bynes.
The Drake & Josh star, who worked with Bynes on Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, discussed his relationship with the She’s the Man actress in an appearance on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast. “I can only speak to my experience while I was working with Amanda and that was that she was, like you said, just an incredible talent,” Bell said. “She was so funny, she was so, she was like a rocket ship. She got on set and she was just, the talent that just oozed from her effortlessly was awe-inspiring.”
Bell went on to explain that he’d been an admirer of Bynes’ work before he got into show business himself. “She was a big star to me because I’d grown up watching All That, and so for me when I booked The Amanda Show, I just couldn’t believe it, and that I got to work with her,” he said. “I was already such a big fan.”
贝尔接着解释说,在他自己进入演艺圈之前,他一直是拜恩斯作品的崇拜者。“她对我来说是一个大明星,因为我是看着《All That》长大的,所以对我来说,当我预定《阿曼达秀》时,我简直不敢相信,我要和她一起工作,”他说。“我已经是他的超级粉丝了。”
Bell also said that he hasn’t talked to Bynes in a long time. “I can’t speak to anything in her personal life.”
Bynes and Bell were two of the primary subjects of the new Investigation Documentary series Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV, which examines the alleged abuse child stars faced on TV sets headed by producer Dan Schneider. In the documentary, former Nickelodeon employees called Schneider’s relationship with Bynes into question. “I definitely saw Amanda being very close physically with Dan,” editor Karyn Finley Thompson said in the doc, alleging, “There were many times that I saw Amanda sitting behind him hugging him, or like giving him a neck massage or whatever. Dan and Amanda had a close relationship, and I didn’t think anything different than that.”
拜恩斯和贝尔是新调查纪录片系列《安静的片场:儿童电视的阴暗面》的两个主要对象,该系列调查了由制片人丹·施耐德领导的儿童明星在电视上面临的所谓虐待。在这部纪录片中,尼克国际儿童频道的前员工对施奈德与拜恩斯的关系提出了质疑。“我确实看到阿曼达和丹的身体非常亲密,”编辑Karyn Finley Thompson在文件中声称,“我多次看到阿曼达坐在他身后拥抱他,或者给他颈部按摩之类的。丹和阿曼达的关系很亲密,我也没觉得有什么不同。”
Bell, however, said that he never witnessed anything unusual between Bynes and the producer, who also worked together on What I Like About You and Big Fat Liar. “This was in the throes of a lot that I was dealing with personally, but no, I mean, I just saw a really talented, amazing actress, and no, I never saw anything.”
In Schneider's video response to Quiet on Set, he shared that Bynes once called him for assistance while she was attempting to legally emancipate herself from her parents. “It was very late. Well, after midnight, or one or two in the morning, the phone rang,” Schneider said in the video. “I answered it and it was Amanda. She was in distress. She had had some conflict with her parents, I think her father, and she called. I was immediately concerned for her safety.”
Schneider said he arranged for someone to pick Bynes up and find her a safe place to stay. “I felt better. She ended up being taken to the police.”