Billie Eilish spoke out about sustainability in the music industry. Now, she's taken to Instagram to ask people to stop "putting words in my mouth," as Taylor Swift fans say Eilish was taking a shot at the "Shake It Off" singer.
比莉·艾利什谈到了音乐产业的可持续性。现在,她在Instagram上要求人们不要“把话放在我嘴里”,因为泰勒·斯威夫特的粉丝们说,艾莉什是在攻击这位演唱《Shake It Off》的歌手。
Eilish, in an interview on sustainability with Billboard, called out artists who release a string of vinyl variants — multiple releases of the same album with collectible variations that can juice sales and help push an album up the charts. "I can’t even express to you how wasteful it is," she said.
She took to Instagram to seemingly defend herself against accusations that she was taking a shot at Swift, who was not mentioned by name in the interview or her Instagram response. "Okay so it would be so awesome if people would stop putting words into my mouth and actually read what I said in that Billboard article," she wrote.
“I wasn’t singling anyone out, these are industry-wide systemic issues,” Eilish said. In the post, she went on to mention that she is also guilty of releasing variants. Her album Happier Than Ever came in eight vinyl variants. However, she made efforts toward sustainability in those releases. The standard version was pressed on 100% recycled black vinyl, and variants were made using recycled scraps, one of which is referred to as a "waste free swirl variant" on her site.
“我并不是针对任何人,这些都是整个行业的系统性问题,”艾利什说。在帖子中,她继续提到她也对发布变种感到内疚。她的专辑《Happier Than Ever》有8个黑胶版本。然而,她在这些释放中为可持续发展做出了努力。标准版是用100%回收的黑色乙烯基压成的,而变体则是用回收的废料制成的,其中一种在她的网站上被称为“无废物漩涡变体”。
"It's a never-ending f---ing fight," she told Billboard. "We live in this day and age where, for some reason, it's very important to some artists to make all sorts of different vinyl and packaging... which ups the sales and ups the numbers and gets them more money."
She elaborated on Instagram, "When it comes to variants, so many artists release them, including me! Which I clearly state in the article. The climate crisis is now and it's about all of us being part of the problem and trying to do better sheesh."
While Swift was not mentioned by name, she certainly fits the example. Swift released eight versions of Folklore, four of Midnights, and there are even variants of her recent "Taylor's Version" releases of past albums, to name recent examples.
But Eilish is correct that it takes place across the industry. Olivia Rodrigo and Ariana Grande have recently done this, to name a few other high-profile artists. But it's not just smaller artists or even current artists. Target has an entire page dedicated to its "Target exclusive" releases that feature variants from Shakira, Queen, Kacey Musgraves, Creed, the Weeknd, Justin Timberlake, and more.