Rachel Zoe knew the orange dress, folded on a hanger, was the one.
It was 20 years ago exactly, days before the Oscars and Zoe — the stylist known at that time mostly for her work at YM magazine, ad campaigns for Tommy Hilfiger, and her work with Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, and the Backstreet Boys — was going to style an A-list actress for the Academy Awards for the first time.
“It was the biggest thing I had ever done,” Zoe remembers. “I had been working with Jennifer Garner for a few months. She was shooting her show Alias then. Her schedule was so insane! I would go to her trailer wherever she was shooting. And whatever time of night she had off, 30 minutes or an hour, that's when we would fit her.”
Zoe showed her the orange dress. A vintage Valentino from the house’s archives. Garner was skeptical.
“‘No, no, no. I don’t do one-shoulder,’” she says Garner told her. “‘It doesn’t look good on me.’” Plus, it was orange, albeit a coral orange. “It was the most unlikely color," Zoe acknowledges, "the most unlikely sort of style where she's like, ‘I don't, I don't do this.’ And it was also like, ‘I don't do big jewelry.’ She didn’t even have her ears pierced at the time, and I had these major Fred Leighton earrings.” Zoe laughs. “It was all these, ‘I don't do's.’”
"Okay, well, can we just try it?" Zoe pleaded. But, she admits, “I was nervous.”
This was 2004, the height of what Zoe terms, "the Fashion Police era," referring to the Joan Rivers-hosted celebrity-style critiquing show that debuted on E! in 2002. “Like, people crucifying everyone for looking a certain way. I don't miss that pettiness. It made me crawl out of my skin. says, Garner became “obsessed with it.” And, as it turns out, everyone was obsessed with it. Even the Fashion Police.
“Jen and I still talk about this moment to this day,” Zoe says. remembering Garner's "swan like" pose on the red carpet at the Kodak Theatre. "That was when we fell in love." The two became close friends.
This red carpet season, the woman known for her love of vintage, major jewelry, and dramatic cuts, all swirled together with seemingly little effort into a result best described as SoCal soigné, is feeling a little nostalgic. Zoe retired from celebrity styling a decade ago, stepping away from the sequined world that made her nearly as big a celebrity as her clients Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence, and Eva Mendes. She wanted to concentrate on both motherhood and her brand. (She has two sons with husband Rodger Berman and serves as co-CEO of Rachel Zoe, Inc., CURATEUR, Rachel Zoe Collection, and Chairwoman of Rachel Zoe Ventures. The third season of her podcast, Climbing in Heels, is out in April.)
这个红毯季,这位以热爱复古、大牌珠宝和夸张剪裁而闻名的女性,似乎毫不费力地将所有这些组合在一起,形成了一个最适合形容为SoCal soigné的效果,她感到有点怀旧。佐伊十年前就从明星造型界退休了,离开了让她几乎和她的客户卡梅伦·迪亚兹、凯特·哈德森、安妮·海瑟薇、詹妮弗·劳伦斯和伊娃·门德斯一样出名的亮片世界。她想把精力集中在做母亲和自己的品牌上。她与丈夫罗杰·伯曼育有两个儿子,目前担任Rachel Zoe, Inc.的联合首席执行官、Rachel Zoe Collection的策展人以及Rachel Zoe Ventures的董事长。她的播客climb in Heels的第三季将于今年4月播出。)
Her former world, filled with fittings with Hollywood stars and fits from fashion assistants and lots of capital-F Fashion!, was chronicled on her 2008-2013 reality show The Rachel Zoe Project, which also encapsulated a look, a time, and, well, vibe from the mid-aughts. That very vibe nearly consumed its creator.
试衣和许多资本f时尚!她在2008年至2013年的真人秀节目The Rachel Zoe Project中记录了这段经历,该节目也浓缩了她的外表、时代以及中年时期的氛围。这种氛围几乎吞噬了它的创造者。
“I became accidentally famous,” Zoe says, And, for a time, infamous.