Adan Canto, the actor known for his work on such TV and film projects as Designated Survivor, The Cleaning Lady, and X-Men: Days of Future Past, died Monday from complications of appendiceal cancer. He was 42.
His representatives confirmed the news to EW and said in a statement, "He will be greatly missed by so many."
Born in Mexico and raised in Texas, Canto first pursued a career in music. After penning several songs for films and TV shows in Mexico, he branched out into acting. Canto appeared in a stage adaptation of Pedro Almodóvar's All About My Mother before landing his first TV gig on Estado de Gracia in 2009.
坎托出生在墨西哥,在德克萨斯州长大,他最初追求的是音乐事业。在墨西哥为电影和电视节目写了几首歌之后,他开始涉足演艺圈。坎托曾出演佩德罗Almodóvar的《关于我母亲的一切》的舞台剧改编版,2009年,他在《格拉西亚庄园》(Estado de Gracia)上获得了第一场电视演出。
He made his American acting debut with a 10-episode stint on the Kevin Bacon-led thriller The Following and went on to play White House Chief of Staff Aaron Shore on Designated Survivor, real-life politician Rodrigo Lara Bonilla on Narcos, and mobster Arman Morales on The Cleaning Lady. Canto's other TV credits included Blood & Oil, Second Chance, Mixology, and The Catch.
他在凯文·培根主演的惊悚片《刺客联盟》中出演了10集,这是他在美国的首次表演,之后他在《指定幸存者》中饰演白宫办公厅主任亚伦·肖尔,在《毒枭》中饰演现实中的政治家罗德里戈·拉拉·博尼拉,在《清洁女士》中饰演黑帮头目阿曼·莫拉莱斯。Canto的其他电视作品包括《Blood & Oil》、《Second Chance》、《Mixology》和《The Catch》。
In addition to playing the powerful mutant Sunspot in X-Men: Days of Future Past, Canto appeared in the movies Amanda and Jack Go Glamping, 2 Hearts, Bruised, The Devil Below, and Agent Game. He directed two short films, Before Tomorrow and The Shot.
Warner Bros. Television and Fox Entertainment issued a joint statement saying they were "heartbroken" to learn of Canto's death, remembering him as "a wonderful actor and dear friend." They added, "This is an unfathomable loss, and we grieve alongside his wife Stephanie, their children and loved ones. We will miss Adan dearly."
Canto is survived by his wife, Stephanie Ann Canto, and two children, Roman Alder and Eve Josephine.