英语听力汇总   |   奥运会平衡木冠军肖恩·约翰逊·伊斯特向丈夫致以甜蜜的敬意:“我喜欢和你一起生活”





Shawn Johnson East is grateful for her husband Andrew East.

肖恩·约翰逊·伊斯特非常感谢她的丈夫Andrew East。

In an Instagram post on Saturday, the Olympian, 31, shared a video of Andrew playing with one of their three children as she paid tribute to him. "I love doing life with you @andrewdeast," she wrote in the caption.


In text over the clip, Shawn detailed exactly how and why she appreciates her spouse.


"Things my husband doesn't know," she wrote. "I count down the hours until he gets home because I miss him."


She went on to explain that she loves "the way he lights up our home with his presence" and "the way he loves me and our children."


"I love the way he handles my attitude with grace," she concluded. "The little things he does will never go unnoticed."


The couple, who married in April 2016, have three children together — daughter Drew Hazel, 4, and sons Jett James, 2, and Barrett Madison, 3 weeks.

这对夫妇于2016年4月结婚,育有三个孩子——4岁的女儿Drew Hazel,2岁的儿子Jett James和3周大的Barrett Madison。

Shawn also shared a photo on her Instagram Story on Saturday showing her and Jett enjoying a little treat together.

周六,肖恩还在她的Instagram Story上分享了一张照片,照片中她和杰特在一起享受了一点美食。

"Ice cream date with my Jett Jett," she captioned the post, adding that she and her family are "obsessed" with an ice cream shop called Chill-N Brentwood, which she said has the "best ice cream in Nashville," where she lives with her family of five.

她在帖子的标题中写道:“和我的Jett Jett约会吃冰淇淋。”她补充说,她和家人“痴迷”于一家名为Chill-N Brentwood的冰淇淋店,她说这家店有“纳什维尔最好的冰淇淋”,她和一家五口住在那里。

In an update in Andrew's FamilyMade newsletter just before Christmas, the retired gymnast explained why the pair chose the name Barrett for their youngest son, who was born on Dec. 12.

就在圣诞节前,这位退役体操运动员在《安德鲁的家庭制造》通讯中解释了两人为什么选择巴雷特这个名字 他们12月12日出生的小儿子。

"We're so happy we got to use the name Barrett Madison for our son and love calling him 'Bear,'" she explained. "We knew if we had a boy we wanted to pay tribute to Andrew's dad who passed away last year and his name was Guy Madison East. Andrew's Grandpa's name was also Madison and it was later passed down to his dad, making it a really special family name."

她解释道:“我们很高兴能用Barrett Madison这个名字来称呼我们的儿子,并喜欢叫他‘熊’。”“我们知道,如果我们有一个男孩,我们想向安德鲁的父亲致敬,他去年去世了,名叫盖伊·麦迪逊·伊斯特。安德鲁爷爷的名字也是麦迪逊,后来传给了他的父亲,使其成为一个非常特别的姓氏。”