Austin Swift and Sydney Ness appear to be going strong over a year after they were first linked.
On Oct. 1, 2023, the couple made a rare appearance together as they attended a Kansas City Chiefs game alongside his sister Taylor Swift (who is dating football star Travis Kelce). Austin and Ness stood behind the "Blank Space" singer as she and her friends cheered for Kelce in the box at MetLife Stadium — then joined her again at a Christmas day game at Arrowhead Stadium (with Austin dressed in full Santa attire, and Sydney wearing a sweatshirt borrowed from a set sent to Taylor).
2023年10月1日,这对夫妇罕见地一起露面,他们和他的妹妹泰勒·斯威夫特(正在和橄榄球明星特拉维斯·凯尔斯约会)一起观看了堪萨斯城酋长队的比赛。当她和她的朋友们在大都会体育场的盒子里为凯尔西欢呼时,奥斯汀和内斯站在这位演唱《Blank Space》的歌手身后,然后在箭头体育场的圣诞比赛中再次加入她(奥斯汀穿着圣诞老人的衣服,悉尼穿着从送给泰勒的一套借来的运动衫)。
Austin and Ness first sparked dating rumors in September 2022 after they were spotted holding hands in N.Y.C. The model later joined the Swift family for a 4th of July celebration at Taylor's Rhode Island waterfront home, before being spotted with the Swifts at the fall sporting events.
In addition to attending a handful of events with his famous sister over the years, Austin has made a name for himself as an actor and producer, having recently produced the music video for "I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor's Version)" which was nominated for an ACM Award. Meanwhile, Ness is known for her modeling career, working with Natural Model Management and Ford Models.
除了和他著名的妹妹一起参加一些活动之外,奥斯汀作为一名演员和制片人也很出名,最近他制作的音乐录影带《I Bet You Think About Me (Taylor’s Version)》获得了ACM奖提名。与此同时,Ness以她的模特生涯而闻名,与Natural Model Management和Ford Models合作。