英语听力汇总   |   美国影视演员保罗·路德详细描述了他“非常严格”的蚁人饮食:“我的奖励是苏打水”





Paul Rudd is reflecting on the extreme diet and exercise regime he had to undertake to get into fighting form for the Ant-Man movies.


During an appearance on Tuesday's episode of the Off Menu podcast, the actor, 54, admitted that his eating plan was so "restrictive" that "my reward was sparkling water."

在周二的Off Menu播客节目中,这位54岁的演员承认他的饮食计划是如此“严格”,以至于“我的奖励是苏打水”。

"That's how horrible that diet was," he recalled. "It was like, 'Oh, alright, I'm going to have some sparkling water now. I've earned it. Train, work out … so I was having a lot of sparkling water."


Rudd went on to joke that he even gravitated toward Pellegrino because the Italian mineral water has a "softer carbonation" than other bubbly water brands.


"Too much carbonation, I would have exploded at that size. One bubble would take me out," he said with a laugh.


When hosts Ed Gamble and James Acaster asked if the water truly felt like a treat, Rudd insisted it did. "Yeah, it was great," he said, before quickly noting, "It wasn't flavored — I wasn't going to go crazy. But it was a treat."


Rudd then went on to explain that he adjusted surprisingly well to his low-calorie diet. "Once you're in it, it's actually not too hard. And I think you guys can guess that I'm okay with having really boring food over and over again. You get into the groove of it," he explained.


The actor also said that he was surprised to find that eating lighter meals energized him. "You feel good — waking up with tons of energy is the strangest sensation. That was new for me," he recalled.


When the hosts inquired if he "compared notes" with his costars, who were also following special diets to get in shape for the films, Rudd poked fun at himself with his trademark self-deprecating humor.


"I think I worked out harder than everyone, I would eat better than everyone and I'd look worse than all of them," he lamented. "I had to work out all the time, eat perfectly, just to kind of look bad."


Rudd followed a similarly rigorous training program for his 2019 Marvel movie Avengers: Endgame, and he jokingly recalled how costar Chris Hemsworth showed him up on set.


"I remember on Endgame, Chris Hemsworth would have these Tupperware containers and he's eating this gruel of just a mash of stuff. And he's working out. You stand next to a guy like that, I was like, 'What's the point of any of this? Why am I killing myself when that can exist? I can never achieve that,' " he said.


"Ant-Man isn't Thor. But I tried to work out like Thor, and it didn't work," Rudd added.
