To Barbra Streisand’s long list of credits as singer, actress, director, songwriter, producer, political activist and contributor to the economic lexicon (see: “the Streisand effect”), she has now added "memoirist," thanks to her 970-page autobiography, My Name Is Barbra.
芭芭拉·史翠珊拥有众多荣誉,包括歌手、演员、导演、词曲作者、制作人、政治活动家和经济词汇贡献者(参见“史翠珊效应”)。如今,她又加上了一个“回忆录作家”,这要归功于她长达970页的自传My Name Is Barbra。
But the music—the singing—has arguably been the anchor of her career, and perhaps her greatest gift to the world. The classical pianist Glenn Gould wrote that “the Streisand voice is one of the natural wonders of the age, an instrument of infinite diversity and timbral resource.” It can be supple, thundering, mellow, sinuous, brassy, rounded, gorgeous.
Streisand has a number of signature classics (“People,” “Don’t Rain on My Parade,” “The Way We Were,” “Guilty”), but her taste and talent have been adventurous and, for the most part, deeply edifying. She's one of the rare artists who makes you want to both stand in awe and melt into a puddle. This, you can imagine, is hard to do at the same time.
史翠珊有许多标志性的经典作品(《People》、《Don’t Rain on My Parade》、《往日情怀》、《有罪》),但她的品味和才华一直是冒险的,而且在很大程度上深刻地启迪了人们。她是罕见的艺术家之一,让你既想敬畏地站在那里,又想融化在水坑里。你可以想象,这很难同时做到。